21 December 1989, Thursday.
Events Management Enthusiast.
Branch Secretary.
If you are hating, stop staring.™
Further Description of MYSELF :
She expresses herself through fashion, food, her lyrical writings, music and photography.
She organized her first gig, The Cynosure Theatre at the Singpore Art's House when she was barely 16 years old.
She enjoys meeting up with her dearest girlfriends and enjoy late night sessions of crapping, gossiping and smoking.
A self pro-claimed Facebook addict.
An avid blogger on most days when she doesn't suffer from bitch fits.
A person with flair and personality who doesn't resort to back hand tactics.
It makes her look all timid.
Like she emphasizes, if you are hating then stop staring.
Then, again.
Everyone is a critique.
And, I am extremely vulgar.
Did she mention that she has an obsession and addiction to a one-weird-eight-inch fetish ?
Seriously. Fucking seriously. Get an effin life lahh, slut. Kw, mana nya hotstuff ?!! Puii. I have been a bitch before but you are just a low class shameless whore. Tuu muka, pergi scrub dengan Dettol and Fab. Tuu barang baik yang sebenar nya buruk pergi polish dulu. Baru kw berbual dengan aq. Siial lahh. Kalau, ikut perangai aq dulu, dahh lama siiol aq rembat kw nya muka kasi lagi pecah. Perangai minah rep baru nak naik nya main belakang orang. Kepala buto uhh. Dahh pengecut buat hal pengecut uhh siiaks. Apa kw dapat from judging others. Does what ever we do or wear trouble you in any fucking way ? Kalau kw rasa kw nak ubah perangai cara pakaian orang ke perangai orang ke, kw nya diri kw ubah dulu. Without realizing when you point a finger to others, 4 fingers a bloody hell pointing back at you. Nak step jadi hotstuff konon, jadi bitch pun tak pass. Nak kena orang ajar kw dulu. Baru kw tau. Sedang kan, kw umur berapa tapi, kw tak tau Orchard Towers tempat bapok. Kw kental pe siia ?!! Dunia belum kenal, jangan banyak berbual. Kw pergi makan garam banyak-banyak dulu baru kw nasihat orang. Tuu G-String kw pakai, sumbat dalam mulut kw nak.
Relax ... Relax ... Jangan jadi fanatic ehhk. Hahaha. Pasal, orang baik and cute kena jadi good girl.
No matter what happens, I'll stick by you forever. Through ups and downs. Cause you are the strength and the soul in me. I love you like you love me. And, you are forever the bitch I adore. Stay strong.
It may not mean nothing to y'all, But understand, nothing was done for me; So I don't plan on stopping at all, I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine.
I shutting shit down in the mall, And telling every guy he's the one for me; And I ain't even planning to call, I want this shit forever mine, ever mine, ever mine.
Aq dahh malas siiaks dengan hidup. Aq sedih. Susah ke orang nak faham aq ? Aq tak mintak orang duit. Aq tak mintak orang sympathy dengan aq. Aq nak orang encourage dengan motivate aq untuk terus hidup. Tuu pun orang tak boleh bagi aq. Aq tau uhh siial, aq miskin. Aq tau, kw memang look down on aq. Aq marah. Kita dahh tak berbual macam dulu. Sakit. Macam mana tak jatuh sakit. Fikiran banyak sangat. Macam mana nak selesai kan masalah niie ? Sebab masalah niie tak akan ada penyelesaian nya. Aq boleh buat sesuatu tapi masalah niie tetap akan bermain dia fikiran aq. Niie lahh duit. Tanpa duit, kw mati. Sebab, kw tak boleh beli makan. Tak ada tenaga. Tak boleh pergi kerja lepas tuu, tak ada duit. Dan, aq memang tak ada duit. Semua orang tak akan faham. Macam mana aq nak selesai kan masalah niie ehhk ? Senang bila dia melafazkan supaya aq mencari kerja yang baru. Aq memang boleh. Tapi, dahh cari berjuta perkerjaan di luar sana tapi, tak akan pernah cukup.
Be with someone because you love him or her and not because you're used to. If you can't give your all then it's better not giving any, because both parties will never be happy.
I still do but sometimes I feel like punching you right in the face.
I learned the truth at seventeen, That love was meant for beauty queens; And high school girls with clear skinned smiles, Who married young and then retired.
The valentines I never knew, The Friday night charades of youth; Were spent on one more beautiful, At seventeen I learned the truth ...
And those of us with ravaged faces, Lacking in the social graces; Desperately remained at home, Inventing lovers on the phone.
Who called to say "Come dance with me," And murmured vague obscenities; It isn't all it seems at seventeen ...
A brown eyed girl in hand me downs, Whose name I never could pronounce; Said : "Pity please the ones who serve, They only get what they deserve."
The rich relationed hometown queen, Marries into what she needs; With a guarantee of company, And haven for the elderly ...
So remember those who win the game, Lose the love they sought to gain; In debitures of quality and dubious integrity, Their small-town eyes will gape at you.
In dull surprise when payment due, Exceeds accounts received at seventeen ...
To those of us who knew the pain, Of valentines that never came; And those whose names were never called, When choosing sides for basketball.
It was long ago and far away, The world was younger than today; When dreams were all they gave for free, To ugly duckling girls like me ...
We all play the game, and when we dare, We cheat ourselves at solitaire; Inventing lovers on the phone, Repenting other lives unknown.
That call and say: "Come on, dance with me," And murmur vague obscenities; At ugly girls like me, at seventeen ...