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If you are hating, stop staring.™

Her Babat Face ♥

Desinta Arisade Halid

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Legally 21, soon !
♥ Sexy ♥ Smart ♥ Sophisticated ♥

If you are hating, stop staring.

21 December 1989, Thursday.
Events Management Enthusiast.
Branch Secretary.

.•°*(¯` •.Latiif♥Synnta.• ´¯)*°•.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

If you are hating, stop staring.™

Further Description of MYSELF :
She expresses herself through fashion, food, her lyrical writings, music and photography.
She organized her first gig, The Cynosure Theatre at the Singpore Art's House when she was barely 16 years old.
She enjoys meeting up with her dearest girlfriends and enjoy late night sessions of crapping, gossiping and smoking.
A self pro-claimed Facebook addict.
An avid blogger on most days when she doesn't suffer from bitch fits.
A person with flair and personality who doesn't resort to back hand tactics.
It makes her look all timid.
Like she emphasizes, if you are hating then stop staring.
Then, again.
Everyone is a critique.
And, I am extremely vulgar.
Did she mention that she has an obsession and addiction to a one-weird-eight-inch fetish ?

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

I fucking miss DotA now.
But, we just ain't got the time.
Anyways, Thailand is in 2 days time.

I am not in the mood for any stupid arguments right now.

Because, I have plenty of important things to thing about.

I don't give a fucking damn if nobody cares because I don't need any shitty sympathy.

I don't live in a make believe fairy tale life where money falls from the God damn sky.

I work hard for my money and actually go through hardships to feel and understand that earning money is something that I often feel blessed with.

I'm sorry that I'm not as privileged as you are and maybe that's why you look down on me.

Honestly, I don't give a fucking shit.

Maybe, one day you'll learn what kind of lives other people have gone through.

You are lucky that you have a silver spoon fed through your mouth.

I'm just just lucky enough to survive.

And, honestly this is my fucking blog.

I can write fucking anything I want.

I don't understang why you need to tell the whole fucking world about my life.

It's my life.

Not fucking yours.

You want to fucking jump down, it's your bloody problem.

Not mine.

Don't be a hypocrite lahh siiaks.

I'm bad.


I club, drink and smoke and use vulgarities all the time.

I wear shorts, very short dresses and tube tops on certain occasions.

I smoke in front of my aunties and when I am at home.


But, you know what ?

They don't give a damn because they trust me that I know how to take care of myself and I always come home in one piece.

But, actually I fucking know lahh.

You are just jealous.

(Fly away.)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

(Fly away.)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I feel so immobile.

It felt as though someone is stabbing me on my side.

I feel like dying.

Help ?!!

I can't move.

I have been laying on bed all day.

I don't like this feeling.

Perhaps, my time is up.

(Fly away.)

Monday, December 28, 2009

I thought this Bunny looked adorable when I browsed through the internet.
And then, I saw the pink dildo that it clutched.
Now, I realised what the caption meant.

(Fly away.)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Random ;

Spongebob : Whoo-hoo! Patrick, how do you feel ?
Patrick : Like one of those hip, young, old folks from a soda commercial.

(Fly away.)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I have never felt so tired in my freaking God damn life.

I feel that my legs could fall of any moment and I drank like 20 bottles of water but I have this neverending thirst feeling going on.

I don't know why.

The weather is so warm and I smell of decomposing flour.

It feels like heaven last night when I was lying on my bed.

Not to forget, I was actually on BBC's World Have Your Say last night !!!

I will take screenshots for the message that Jessica Yang of BBC sent me on Facebook soon.

I cannot believe it !

And, I recorded a part of it too.

Will upload it on iMeem soon.


Anyways, "He" never fails to cheer me up.

(Fly away.)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Synnta Claus



(Fly away.)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's Christmas Eve !!!

How true this is.

I am so excited.

I am so excited.

I am so excited.

I am so excited.

I am so excited.

I am so excited.

I am so excited.

I am so excited.

I am so excited.

I am so excited.

Honestly, I am not in the best of moods today.

I cried in the morning.

No, it wasn't some emotional thing going on.

But, because everytime I try and open my left eye, an excruciating pain sort of like
triggers the tears and it starts to flow like a tap.

Dag nab it.

Anyways, I swear to god that I'll be having toothaches in the days to come.


I love Christmas because I get plenty of presents.


But, bummer of the day is, I'll be working at the usual place until 1300HOURS.

Then, I have to rush to baby's place at 1500HOURS.

How am I to last untill 2300HOURS.

I don't know.

I'll just Wumbo my way through then.

(Fly away.)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wumbology, the study of Wumbo.

Bold it cause it describes me !
You can choose to ignore the ones in yellow.


Talked back to a teacher.
Been kicked out of a class.

Worn your pajamas to school.
Had your tooth fall out during school.
Gotten yourself lost in your school.
Broken the dress code in your school.
Completely and utterly failed a test.
Left your class without asking anybody.
Missed a whole week of school for something stupid.
Thrown up your lunch in school.


Argue with your parents a lot.
Argue with your brother[s] a lot.

Argue with your sister[s] a lot.
Do your own laundry.
Cook dinner once in a while.
Are loud and obnoxious at home.
Wear pajamas when you are not going to go anywhere.
You sleep in very long.
All you do is watch television/go on the internet.
Your parents are divorced.

Your family makes you cry a lot.
One or both of your grandparents live with you.

You can’t stand being with your parents.


You currently dislike one or more of your friends.
You are jealous of one or more of your friends.
You have known a friend your whole life.

Your friends are all taller than you.
You have been ditched by a friend.
You have memorized a friends phone number.
You have lost/forgotten a friends phone number.
You have been to most of your friends houses.
You love most of your friends.


You bite your nails.
You have an odd obsession with knives.
You cannot sleep with the door closed.
You cannot sleep with the door open.
There is at least one sound you cannot stand.
You write stories about mad cannibalistic serial killers
You are good at telling lies.


You currently like/love someone.
You want to kill one of your exs.
You can stay committed for an unusually long time.
You get bored of your crush/bf/gf easily.
A crush/bf/gf has called you self-centered before.
Your ex has dumped you for another girl.


You hate George Bush.
Abortion is horrible and should be illegal.

Gay marriage is fine by you.
Boys make better friends than girls do.
Pink is an ugly color.
Needles aren’t so horrible.

Human flesh tastes like fine aged veal.
You have plenty of secrets.


Fallen up the stairs.
Had your shoelaces tied together.
Had a nail fall off.
Captured, Manipulated, or Destroyed a soul.
Slapped someone across the face.

Killed someone.
Worn something inside out for a whole day.

(Fly away.)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I don't usually do food reviews but, I had to because my birthday was ruined.

Honestly, I am a very fussy customer.

I repeat.

Extremely fussy.

I can't stand service staff who can't even understand simple English.

Hello, this is bloody fucking Singapore siiaks.

Kalau kw tak boleh faham English, tak payah jadi waitress uhh siiaks.

And, yes.

I gave her this, you are a low class bitch who can't even understand English so, please stop talking and even if you speak, aq tak akan pandang kw.

Not to mention, Hawa at Simpang Bedok sells the most unedible chicken rice.

And chicken rice is like my favourite food, ever.

What the hell.

But, I love 89.7's chicken kebab and cheese fries.

Orgasm babe !


Anyways, Spizes, serves great Fish & Chips especially with a fresh squeeze of lemon.

Now, I am officially counting down to Thailand.


Anyways, I'd like to thank Love for a wonderful time spent.

Fion, for my desirable present.

Shida, for making my dream of being a collector come true.

More pictures soon !


(Fly away.)

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Past.

The Present.


The Future


I'll post a picture of myself when I am back from Thailand.


Happy 20th Birthday to Me, Myself and of course I.



But ...

As I typed this, the cake has already melted !

And to all loved ones.

Thanks for the wishes.

(Fly away.)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I ♥ SpongeBob SquarePants !

(Fly away.)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dare to Make a Statement in Black Contest


I can't enter a contest because I am not from the United States of America.

Sheesh !

I have so many gorgeous pictures.


Practically, I am in a sombre mood today.

I don't know why.

It's not as if someone died or something.

I wasn't feeling to good lately and some people just pisses me off.

It's as if they don't fucking know.

I cried last night because the headaches literally when up to my head and I could feel my veins bursting any second.

I swear to God the agony was killing me.

I couldn't help it either but I kept puking and puking and puking till my throat has a burning sensation.

Anyways, someone find me a nag and I shall stop nagging.

It doesn't pay to care because, they don't care even if we cared.

And at the end of the day, they will give you that fucked up look straight in the eyes.

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
And I'm terrified but I'm not leaving
I know that I must past this test
So just pull the trigger


Russian Roulette is a potentially lethal game of chance in which participants place a single round in a revolver, spin the cylinder, place the muzzle against their head and pull the trigger.

"Russian" refers to the supposed country of origin of the game and roulette to the element of risk-taking and the spinning of the revolver's cylinder being reminiscent of spinning a roulette wheel.

The form of the game can be as varied as the participants or their motives (displays of bravado, boredom, suicide, etc.), but typically a single round is placed in a six-shot revolver resulting in a 1/6 (or approximately 16.67%) chance of the revolver discharging the round.

Regardless of any player's position in the shooting sequence, his initial odds are the same as for all other players.

The revolver's cylinder can either be spun again to reset the game conditions, or the trigger can be pulled again.

Using revolvers with fewer chambers or increasing the number of rounds are variations that increase the risk of being killed in any given round of play.

(Fly away.)

Friday, December 18, 2009





15 effin days to Bangkok, Thailand.

3 effin days till I am bloody hell 20.

Yes, I am excited.



(Fly away.)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jay Chou is
CNN's Entertainer Extraordinaire for 2009

Making it to this year's list of CNN's (Cable News Network) 25 most influential people in Asia for the year 2009, which includes superstars like Jay Chou and Andy Lau, should be something to smile about - unless your name is Noriko Sakai, labeled by CNN as the "fallen angel".

The disgraced Japanese actress-singer got convicted for drug use in a huge scandal that made headlines for months and besmeared her wholesome image.

Also on the list for the wrong reasons is Singapore's own Ris Low.

The former Miss Singapore World 2009 was criticized for her poor English diction and quit the crown after her criminal record of credit card fraud got exposed, but not before she singlehandedly created a stir over self-coined neologisms like "Boomz" and "Leopard Preenz" that bulldozed their way into on- and off-line chatter.

Hong Kong celebrity Andy Lau is also included on the list, he of the secret Las Vegas wedding to his longtime companion, Malaysian ex-beauty queen Carol Choo, which got leaked to the media, and resulted in the public excavations of more clandestine celebrity marriages in Sin City.

As for Jay Chou, his extensive, impressive resume of singing, composing, acting, directing, and more music awards than you can count earned him the rank of "Entertainer Extraordinaire" on CNN's list.

He is also set to make his Hollywood debut as sidekick Kato in Michel Gondry's film remake The Green Hornet, aside from other films like the soon-to-be-released Treasure Hunter with Lin Chi-ling as well as True Legend next year.

Plus, he has an upcoming drama series Pandaman in the works.

Although the 30-year-old did not release any new music album this year, his numerous commercial endorsements and upcoming movies reined in a cool S$27 million this year.

What the fuck ?!!

(Fly away.)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

1 year 8 months and counting ...
Happy Anniversary, Love.



(Fly away.)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I'm just a passer by, unable to interfere.
I watch in silence as it grew inside her.
I have to protect it no matter what,
But, is this the right thing even though I must ?

I've heard her cry as she begged for help,
And suddenly, it felt as though no one cared.
If it were me will I feel the same too ?
Or will I run away, my heart torn in two.

I feel her joy as well as her pain,
She carried the burden with nothing to gain.
He ran away and left her alone in fear,
His cold blooded eyes remain into mist he disappeared.


(Fly away.)

Monday, December 14, 2009


(Fly away.)

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I want your love and
I want your revenge
I want your love
I don't wanna be friends

Je veux ton amour
Et je veux ta revanche
Je veux ton amour

I don't wanna be friends
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh !
I don't wanna be friends
(Caught in a bad romance)
I don't wanna be friends
Want your bad romance
(Caught in a bad romance)
Want your bad romance !


(Fly away.)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The most embarassing thing happened today because Baby wanted me to come over the last minute so that we can head to Johore Bahru for an impromptu trip.

So, as usually, I just grabbed anything and everything that I can wear, took the laptop that was on loan and left.

I boarded the bus and tapped on my EZ Link card.

Guess what ?

The fucker is out of cash.

And ...

I didn't bring any money with me.


So, I had to practically beg the driver to let me on the bus.

I told him that I'd be stopping at the Interchange and I'll get someone to pay for my trip.


And I swore to God everyone was giving me the "look" siiaks.


But, I managed to pull through and the TIBS bus driver was effin sweet.

I must compliment him soon but, I don't have time.


(Fly away.)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Yeah, I'm ma up at Brooklyn,
Now I'm down in Tribe ca,
Right next to DeNiro,
But I’ll be hood forever,
I’m the new Sinatra,
And since I made it here,
I can make it anywhere,
Yeah they love me everywhere,
I used to cop in Harlem,
All of my Dominicans
Right there up on Broadway,
Brought me back to that McDonald's,

Took it to my stash spot,
5-60 State street,
Catch me in the kitchen like a Simmons whipping Pastry,
Cruising down 8th street,
Off white Lexus,
Driving so slow but BK is from Texas,
Me I’m up at Bed Study,
Home of that boy Biggie,
Now I live on billboard,
And I brought my boys with me,
Say what up to Ty Ty, still sipping Mai-tai
Sitting court side Knicks and Nets give me high fives,
N-gga I be Spiked out, I can trip a referee,
Tell by my attitude that I most definitely from…

[Alicia Keys:]
In New York,
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
There's nothing you can’t do,
Now you’re in New York,
These streets will make you feel brand new,
The lights will inspire you,
Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York

I made you hot nigga,
Catch me at the X with OG at a Yankee game,
Shit I made the Yankee hat more famous than a yankee can,
You should know I bleed Blue, but I ain't a crip tho,
But I got a gang of niggas walking with my clique though,
Welcome to the melting pot,
Corners where we selling rocks,
Afrika bambaataa shit,
Home of the hip hop,
Yellow cap, gypsy cap, dollar cab, holla back,
For foreigners it aint fitted they forgot how to act,
8 million stories out there and their naked,

Cities is a pity half of y’all won’t make it,
Me I gotta plug Special Ed and I got it made,
If Jeezy’s paying LeBron, I’m paying Dwayne Wade,
3 dice cee-lo
3 card Monte,
Labor day parade, rest in peace Bob Marley,
Statue of Liberty, long live the World trade,
Long live the king yo,
I’m from the empire state that's…

[Repeat Chorus:]

Welcome to the bright light..

Lights is blinding,
Girls need blinders
So they can step out of bounds quick,
The side lines is blind with casualties,
Who sipping life casually, then gradually become worse,
Don’t bite the apple Eve,
Caught up in the in crowd,
Now your in-style,
And in the winter gets cold en vogue with your skin out,
The city of sin is a pity on a whim,
Good girls gone bad, the cities filled with them,
Mami took a bus trip and now she got her bust out,
Everybody ride her, just like a bus route,
Hail Mary to the city your a Virgin,
And Jesus can’t save you life starts when the church ends,

Came here for school, graduated to the high life,
Ball players, rap stars, addicted to the limelight,
MDMA got you feeling like a champion,
The city never sleeps better slip you a Ambient

[Repeat Chorus:]

[Alicia Keys:]
One hand in the air for the big city,
Street lights, big dreams all looking pretty,
No place in the World that can compare,
Put your lighters in the air, everybody say yeah
Come on, come,

[Repeat Chorus:]

(Fly away.)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


(Fly away.)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Miramar Hotel
777 Mahachai Road, Wangburaphapirom, Phanakorn, Bangkok, 10200, Thailand
Tel : +662-222-4191-4
Fax : +662-222-4195
E-mail :
Other hotel information : Boutique Thai-Modern Rooms

Recently renovated, Miramar, all rooms are exquisitely designed in Thai style, and include the following features and amenities :

- Color television with in-room movies and satellite TV
- Air-Conditioned Room
- Stocked refrigerator and mini bar
- Same day laundry and dry cleaning
- WIFI Internet Access in All Guest Rooms (Charge)
- Coffee / Tea Maker ( For Deluxe, JR. Suite, Miramar Suite)
- Non-Smoking Room
- Iron / Ironing Board
- Hairdryer
- 24-Hour Room Service
- Rollaway Beds
- Room with Sitting Area
- Suites Available
- City View Room

2 Single beds or 1 King bed, City views 3th - 6th floor, bathroom with bath tub, Television, high-speed Internet access, rollaway bed allowed.

2 single beds or 1 king bed, city views 3th - 6th floor, television, satellite, high-speed internet access, rollaway bed allowed.

(Fly away.)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Welcome to New York City.
Welcome to New York City.
Welcome to New York City.


(Fly away.)

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Once a deity of unfathomable might, Zeus reluctantly sacrificed his much relished immortality in exchange for the chance to crush the sinister armies of the unholy undead.

As his soul crossed into the mortal plane, his omnipotent powers withered greatly, yet not nearly enough to quell this destructive Thunder God's resolve for justice.

With sheer precision, he cleanses through the enemy ranks with an impressive mastery of electrical discharge, smiting the fool hardy with formidable bolts of lightning from the heavens above.

Ever vigilant in his relentless assault, the Scourge cowers in fear of incurring the fearsome wrath of the Lord of Olympia.

As Zeus, the Lord of Olympia would have said :
You're kinda slow for a human.

(Fly away.)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Be strong.
Hold on.

Dearest, I am still here for you no matter what.
This post is a dedication to you.
This post shows that I still care.
You are not alone.

And, that fucker.
Honestly, I will punch his fucking face !

(Fly away.)

Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm feeling his jiggly goodness.

AND ...

Mr. Smarty Pants, this picture goes out to you.

(Fly away.)

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I'm feeling Christmas-y and Snow man-y all of a sudden.
And my 20th Birthday is a few weeks away.
WOO !!!


(Fly away.)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Why'd you have to be so damn darn pathetic ?
You look so spastic.



(Fly away.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I can't believe that it has been a month I am working in this new place.

My new friends are love.

The girls especially.

But, some people are just plain dumb.

If you know what I mean.

There are days when I feel like killing him.

I know I'll murder him when "she" comes to visit.

Anyway, I was browsing through PhotoBucket and I came across some really animal farm-y, junky, loco, vintage photos from year 2006.

It has been 3 god damn years.

Enjoy !










And of course, this was the farmiest race, ever.

(Fly away.)