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If you are hating, stop staring.™

Her Babat Face ♥

Desinta Arisade Halid

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Legally 21, soon !
♥ Sexy ♥ Smart ♥ Sophisticated ♥

If you are hating, stop staring.

21 December 1989, Thursday.
Events Management Enthusiast.
Branch Secretary.

.•°*(¯` •.Latiif♥Synnta.• ´¯)*°•.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

If you are hating, stop staring.™

Further Description of MYSELF :
She expresses herself through fashion, food, her lyrical writings, music and photography.
She organized her first gig, The Cynosure Theatre at the Singpore Art's House when she was barely 16 years old.
She enjoys meeting up with her dearest girlfriends and enjoy late night sessions of crapping, gossiping and smoking.
A self pro-claimed Facebook addict.
An avid blogger on most days when she doesn't suffer from bitch fits.
A person with flair and personality who doesn't resort to back hand tactics.
It makes her look all timid.
Like she emphasizes, if you are hating then stop staring.
Then, again.
Everyone is a critique.
And, I am extremely vulgar.
Did she mention that she has an obsession and addiction to a one-weird-eight-inch fetish ?

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Saturday, November 28, 2009


I'm leaving on a jet plane.


(Fly away.)

Friday, November 27, 2009

And, you are always mine.

(Fly away.)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Kids Are Quick

TEACHER : Maria, go to the map and find North America ...
MARIA : Here it is.
TEACHER : Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?
CLASS : Maria.

- ♥ -

TEACHER : John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor ?
JOHN : You told me to do it without using tables.

- ♥ -

TEACHER : Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?' ?
TEACHER : No, that's wrong.
GLENN : Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.

- ♥ -

TEACHER : Donald, what is the chemical formula for water ?
TEACHER : What are you talking about ?
DONALD : Yesterday you said it's H to O.

- ♥ -

TEACHER : Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago ?

- ♥ -

TEACHER : Glen, why do you always get so dirty ?
GLEN : Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.

- ♥ -

TEACHER : Millie, give me a sentence starting with 'I.'
MILLIE : I is..
TEACHER : No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.'
MILLIE : All right..... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'

- ♥ -

TEACHER : George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him ?
LOUIS : Because George still had the axe in his hand.

- ♥ -

TEACHER : Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating ?
SIMON : No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.

- ♥ -

TEACHER : Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his ?
CLYDE : No, sir. It's the same dog.

- ♥ -

TEACHER : Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested ?
HAROLD : A teacher .

- ♥ -

Getting the eyelash out of your eye.

Eyeballs do not want to be touched.

I mean, have you ever put fingers, algae-filled lake water, or shampoo in there?

Yeah, that gets your eyes screaming in pain pretty quick, doesn’t it?

Unless you’re using Johnson & Johnson’s No More Tears shampoo of course, in which case feel free to lather your eyeballs right on up, no worries.

But seriously, your eyes have their own plumbing system so they’re pretty self-sufficient.

Technically they’re called tear ducts but they may as well be called Eye Toilets because they just flush your eye out.

Nope, no need for any assistance folks, because your Eye Toilets have it all under control.

Dust, dirt, tiny little microscopic bugs — flush, flush, flush away.

Yes, your Eye Toilets are really quite good at their job …

… unless, of course, a rogue eyelash gets in there!

Yes, when a rebel lash quietly unhinges itself from the confines of your eyelid and attempts a poorly planned escape to freedom it’s not good.

If you’re like me and are cursed with poorly-attached eyelashes, then your lashes just give up and die all the time, flipping down into your eyeball and annoyingly scratching and clawing you right in the cornea.

The Eye Toilets start madly flushing, but to no avail — that lash is just sticking in there tight and it ain’t budging.

Now, I don’t care how many barfights you’ve been in or how many times you’ve been shot, you know as well as I do that when there’s an eyelash in your eye it’s incredibly painful, it’s incredibly annoying, and it requires a ton of focus to get through.

You might even have to try one of these eyelash-removing methods :

The Pinch and Squeeze Method.

This is where you close your eye real tight, and then pinch ‘n’ squeeze all your eyelashes outwards, hoping to grab onto a tiny piece of the rogue lash and pull it out, too.

I recommend doing this one first to see what happens. You miss here, you still got plenty of options.

The Get Someone Else To Blow Into Your Eye Method.

If you’re the blowing friend, you can either do a "Surprise Blow" to prevent the blowee from defensively closing their eye just before you do the deed, or you can do the real surgical technique, where you get them to lie down, hold their eye open, and line up your blow exactly at the eyelash.

That last one takes trust and a very dry, stiff blow.

Think mighty birthday candle blowout not warming up your hands at the bus stop in winter.

The Hard Winker Method.

A solo sport, this is where you just keep winking your eye really, really hard and hope the lash will eventually ‘pop out.’

Not a bad technique, though sometimes the act of hard winking just forces that eyelash in there deeper.

Bit of a double-edged sword.

The Eyelid Flapper.

My favourite method and I do this all the time and it freaks everyone out.

You just pinch the skin of your eyelid with your fingers and keep popping it in and out real fast until the lash gives up and lets go.

This method is a little bit gross to look at and comes complete with a marvelously wet and disgusting suction sound.

The Wash.

If nothing else works, I guess you can always just splash some water in there.

Or, if possible, use one of those dusty eyewash stations hanging out in the back of the woodshop.

I’ve always wanted to see someone use one of those things.

They look like they’re from a 1950s version of the future.

Anyway, whatever your strategy, one thing is certain :

You aren’t doing anything until that eyelash comes out.

You might get the job done in five seconds, you might work at it for ten painful minutes, but whatever the case, whatever your style, it sure does feel good when that eyelash finally does get out of your eye.

Suddenly the sun rises again, the weight is lifted, and your life can get back on the road and just keep on trucking.


- I never liked air conditioning anyways. It tears up my eye reall, really badly. -

(Fly away.)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Canadian woman loses benefits over Facebook photo.

BROMONT, Quebec – A Canadian woman on sick leave for depression says she lost her benefits after her insurance agent found photos of her apparently having fun on Facebook.

Nathalie Blanchard said Monday she was diagnosed with major depression and was receiving monthly sick-leave benefits until payments dried up this fall.

When Blanchard called her insurance provider, Manulife, to find out why she says she was told the Facebook photos showed she was able to work.

"If you have insurance, be careful.

This is a major battle and it's not going to be easy," Blanchard, 29, said in a telephone interview from her home in Bromont Quebec.

She said her insurance agent described several pictures Blanchard posted on Facebook, including ones showing her having a good time at a Chippendales bar show, at her birthday party and on a sun holiday.

Blanchard said Manulife told her it was evidence she is no longer depressed.

Her lawyer, Tom Lavin, said Blanchard was wrongfully dismissed from her benefits, and she had the right to go on holiday.

"The issue for me is that they stopped her disability benefits without the proper medical recommendations.

Her doctor recommended she go on vacation," he said.

Blanchard said she took three four-day trips when she was feeling especially low, on her psychiatrist's advice.

Manulife declined to comment on the case specifically but has said in a statement that "we would not deny or terminate a valid claim solely based on information published on Web sites such as Facebook."

Blanchard's case will be before Quebec Superior Court December 8.

- ♥ -
Yeah, right.
If you have insurance becareful.
. Manual Life .
I just lost SGD$1, 000 recently.
No thanks to an investment plan that I bought.
And to think I was partly in correspondence with them almost 2 months ago.
The people were great and some of them are still great.
- ♥ -

Taking your bra off after wearing it for hours.


It just feels like freedom.


- ♥ -

People, meet Ol' Reliable.

Today, I was extremely uneasy.

I guess because I was waiting for TL to call me and have a one on one with me.

Anyways, the total confusion was due to the fact that the person was repeating, repeating and still repeating the same thing he said in the beginning of the coversation.

Anyways, I feel that "F" was being anal and noticing people's mistake is her part time job.

Like, what the bloody fucking hell.

Anyways, last night I was partly depressed when TL wanted a one on one session.

I didn't know how to react but I was extremely sure that I didn't say anything wrong.

At the end of everything when it happened today, "F" sent such a long email and tried to point every minute mistake I have made or could have potential make.

Honestly, I was glad by the fact when everyone told me that "F" has been and will always be like that.

I smiled and nodded in delight but I knew that more of this would come.

Yesterday, almost all the backdoors were open and by 5.ooPM, I had too many wrap ups that I couldn't remember what's what.

Last night, I swear to God I couldn't sleep.

I keep texting Love over the fact that I had jellyfishes swirling in my tummy in need of serious jellyfishing.

Then, I feel asleep.

I woke up at 7.ooAM and got slightly irritated by the fact that the hours I slept just zoomed away so quickly.

Anyways, Love overslept today and what else ?

Let's see.

Like the usual he does and chao keng-ed anyways.

Anyways, I am not really feeling it and I am wanting to punch that fucker's face, again.



(Fly away.)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Quote Pictures, Images and Photos

When you hit the point where you’re comfortable farting around each other.

I fart, you fart, he farts, she farts.

Let’s not deny it, people.

Farting is a regular, healthy, and hilarious part of life.

Squeezing out big plumes of noxious gas doesn’t always smell good, but it generally feels mighty fine.

Now think back for a second to the last time you saw a tiny baby pop out a stinky heater.

I’m betting after they filled the air they just stared at you with a blank expression that seemed to say, “Yeah, it was me. So what?”

And maybe that’s a good thing.

Maybe when your boyfriend’s snuggling with you under the blanket and there’s a few chirps from the back of his pants, that’s good.

Maybe when Grandpa leans back on his rocker and lets one rip during Sunday dinner, that’s good.

Maybe when your wife nonchalantly blasts one while barbecuing on the balcony, that’s good.

And maybe it’s especially good when everyone laughs afterwards.

Because hey, it just means we’re comfortable being ourselves and relaxed enough to know farting is a natural and normal part of life.

Nobody chooses farting as a hobby but it’s part of what makes us human.

Tuba scales, silent stink bombs, machine gun blasts, whatever you’re putting out there that’s fine, that’s fine, that’s perfectly fine.

Now, we’re not advocating a world of no limits.

There’s nothing wrong with keeping some personal space, either.

After all, maybe you do your nose-picking in the car, shower behind a curtain at the gym, or burp quietly into a fancy cloth hankie.

If so, that’s cool too.

All we’re saying is that if you get to the point where you’re comfortable farting around each other, it means you’re family, you’re friends, or you’re completely in love.

So just relax and let it out.


- With effect from last night, we are equal fart faces. -

DotA with Love and Bogeyy last night was fun, fun, fun.


I managed to kill Bogeyy at least.

And I wasn't running away from him much.

No, wait.

Maybe, I was a little.


Stupid Pictures, Images and Photos

Honestly, I feel like punching someone in the office.

He is so irritating.


Even the newbies on training said he was rude.

I don't mind people talking very loudly on the phone when they are with their customers.

I do that at times.

Honestly, sometimes people can't hear us so we have to speak clearly.

But, why is it that every conversation he has to speak the same way.

Not everyone is deaf you know.

Dahh bodoh, pekak pulak tuu.

Please uhh, stop saying all the tak penting stuffs.

funny icon Pictures, Images and Photos

Belgian says he was alert but mute for 23 years.

BRUSSELS – For 23 torturous years, Rom Houben says he lay trapped in his paralyzed body, aware of what was going on around him but unable to tell anyone or even cry out.

The car-crash victim had been diagnosed as being in a vegetative state but appears to have been conscious the whole time.

An expert using a specialized type of brain scan that was not available in the 1980s finally realized it, and unlocked Houben's mind again.

The 46-year-old Houben is now communicating with one finger and a special touchscreen on his wheelchair.

"Powerlessness. Utter powerlessness.

At first I was angry, then I learned to live with it," he said, punching the message into the screen during an interview with the Belgian RTBF network, aired Monday.

He has called his rescue his "renaissance."

Over the years, Houben's family refused to accept the word of his doctors, firmly believing their son knew what was happening around him, and gave no thought to letting him die, said his mother, Fina.

She was vindicated when the breakthrough came.

"At that moment, you think, `Oh, my God. See, now you know.' I was always convinced," she said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.

The discovery took place three years ago but only recently came to light, after publication of a study on the misdiagnosis of people with consciousness disorders.

While a 23-year error is highly unusual, the wrong diagnosis of patients with consciousness disorders is far too common, according to the study, led by Steven Laureys of Belgium's Coma Science Group.

"Despite the importance of diagnostic accuracy, the rate of misdiagnosis of vegetative state has not substantially changed in the past 15 years," the study said.

Back then, studies found that "up to 43 percent of patients with disorders of consciousness are erroneously assigned a diagnosis of vegetative state."

The issue is fraught with difficult medical and ethical questions.

Patients diagnosed as being in a vegetative state with no hope of recovery are sometimes allowed to die, as was done in 2005 with Terri Schiavo, the severely brain-damaged Florida woman at the center of the biggest right-to-die case in U.S. history.

Her feeding tube was removed.

"It makes you think.

There is still a lot of work to be done" to better diagnose such disorders, said Caroline Schnakers of the Coma Science Group.

Houben was injured in an auto accident in 1983 when he was 20.

Doctors said he fell into a coma at first, then went into a vegetative state.

A coma is a state of unconsciousness in which the eyes are closed and the patient cannot be roused.

A vegetative state is a condition in which the eyes are open and can move, and the patient has periods of sleep and periods of wakefulness, but remains unconscious and cannot reason or respond.

During Houben's two lost decades, his eyesight was poor, but the experts say he could hear doctors, nurses and visitors to his bedside, and feel the touch of a relative.

He says that during that time, he heard his father had died, but he was unable to show any emotion.

Over the years, Houben's skeptical mother took him to the United States five times for tests.

More searching got her in touch with Laureys, who put Houben through a PET scan.

"We saw his brain was almost normal," said neuropsychologist Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse, who has worked with Houben for three years.

The family and doctors then began trying to establish communication.

A breakthrough came when he was able to indicate yes or no by slightly moving his foot to push a computer device placed there by Laureys' team.

Then came the spelling of words using the touchscreen.

Houben's condition has since been diagnosed as a form of "locked-in syndrome," in which people are unable to speak or move but can think and reason.

"You have to imagine yourself lying in bed wanting to speak and move but unable to do so _ while in your head you are OK," Vanhaudenhuyse said.

"It was extremely difficult for him and he showed a lot of anger, which is normal since he was very frustrated."

With so much to say after suffering for so long in silence, Houben has started writing a book.

"He lives from day to day," his 73-year-old mother said.

"He can be funny and happy," but is also given to black humor.

Recently he went to his father's grave for the planting of a tree.

"A letter he wrote was lowered into the grave through a tube," his mother said. "He closed his eyes for half an hour, because he cannot cry."

There is little hope that Houben's physical condition will get better, but his mother said she refuses to give up: "We continue to search and search. For 26 years already."

- I'd probably die if I was mute and unable to move for this long but I wish that particular someone was. -

(Fly away.)

Monday, November 23, 2009

I am begging for a casual meet up ;


(Fly away.)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What an awkward moment !

It was the first time I ever met Ayah & Ibu face to face.

And further more, it was with my whole family.

Honestly, my heart was pumping vigorously.

Help ?!!

But, thank God everything went on well.


But, I still love you.



(Fly away.)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

When the phone rings and it’s somebody you were just thinking about !

Faces float and fly through our brains.

Kicking pebbles, wearing backpacks, laughing about the school day, your friends flicker past you with red cheeks and windswept hair on cool and crisp walks home.

Silverware clinking, gravy boats dripping, your family sits in thick holiday sweaters under a sparkly chandelier amongst half-filled wine glasses and steamy bowls of brussel sprouts.

Furnace quietly clicking, clock slowly ticking, your boyfriend lies beside you on the patchy corduroy couch in the dark unfinished basement, smiling between kisses and laughs, sharing a moment in a memory.

Somebody’s thinking about you right now, too.

Give them a call.


When the person scratching your back finds that one really itchy spot !

Congratulations on scoring some back-scratching love.

Convincing a special someone to scrape their fingernails across your unreachables is a big accomplishment. Once the magic starts, make sure you close your eyes, purse your lips, and throw out some deep mmmmm’s to keep it coming.

And sure, there may be some ticklish moments on your shoulder blades, some unnecessary clawing at your lower back fat, but once in a while, when you least expect it, the scratcher will change direction and suddenly move their hands right onto that one really, really itchy spot.


P.s So reminds me of you when we are riding on the bike.

I miss you and you effin suck.

(Fly away.)

Friday, November 20, 2009



I am very proud of myself.

Yes I am.

I got 1 question wrong for my Customer Service written test.



All because of the stupid multiple choice.

And I swore to God that I think I overheard that particular someone saying that he got a zero.

Or maybe, it was a 3.

Who cares.

Siapa suruh kw act smart.

And he called me crazy because I scored a 12.

No, you are just jealous.

Who asked you to talk so much and act so smart, Mr. Bozo.

I have a feeling that "R" really dislikes him.

"R" called me obsessive because I wanted a copy of my test paper.

Well, DUHH.

I almost scored full marks.

Obviously, I have to frame it.

P.s I look through the presentation notes for answers.



Off for next week.

So, it's like Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Time to party.

Dear, nak go Dbl O ?


But, work as usual tomorrow.

Anyway, can't wait for beloved Kakak's wedding !

Congratulations, babe.

And ...

Umi A.K.A Gossip Buddy left home early because her mum accidentally took the wrong set of keys out and left her 3-year-old-niece-who-is-down-with-a-bad-case-of-fever all alone at home. !


Anyways, more updates soon.

I am so hooked to online shopping.

I have new things in mind that I am getting.


Hello, Bangkok, Thailand.
Goodbye, Singapore.
P.s I have a jolly good surprise for you.



(Fly away.)

Thursday, November 19, 2009








(Fly away.)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A certain someone should shut his mouth shut and learn not to make unnecessary comments when a person is talking.

A certain someone should pay attention.

A certain someone should not declare that he has suicidal tendencies in public.

A certain someone should stop acting smart.

A certain someone wheres the same socks everyday.

(Fly away.)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

P.s Did I mention that my uncle gave me USD$101 for nothing.

Source : Universal Publishing Service

Are your debts mounting each month ?

Are you finding it harder to juggle the bills ?

Do you find yourself relying on cash advances on your credit cards to get you through your pay day ?

Anne Starke shares 10 tips on how to navigate through credit crunch as painlessly as possible.

Fretting over unpaid bills is a terrible energy-sapper.

Money worries hang over your head, undermining your self-confidence and your sense of security.

But things usually aren't as bad as they seem and the worst thing you can do is accept the situation and continue living hand-to-mouth, day-to-day.

Regardless of age or income, everyone has the potential to be financially secure, and to enjoy the self confidence and feelings of personal power that come with it.

It is not a matter of earning higher wages, but of working smarter with what you've got.

Work out your budget woes with these tips :

1. Stay calm
If it looks like there is no way out of the maze of bills, stay calm.

After all, it is only money.

Lots of people and many businesses face a credit squeeze at some stage and most work their way out of it.

The important thing is to have a plan – and follow it through.

2. Is the crisis short-term or critical ?

Work out if your difficulties are only temporary or if it is a long-term problem, such as illness, loss of your job or possible bankruptcy.

If it is a major crisis, you may need professional help immediately.

Contact your lawyer, accountant or your friendly bank officer.

3. Will your credit rating be affected ?

Do your best to protect your credit rating.

If you are downgraded, it could jeopardise your chances of obtaining a loan in the future.

4. Work out which bills to pay first

When cash is tight, you need to set priorities as to which bills to pay first.

Check which unpaid bills are likely to affect your credit rating.

For example, a friendly landlord might allow you to pay the rent a week or two late, but a default on the electricity account will not only put you in darkness – it could mean a black mark on your record.

5. Money-stretchers

When money is short, you need to work with the money you have got to make it spin out as far as possible.

• List all the bills you owe.

• Note the due dates and grace periods.

• Pay your bills only at the end of their grace periods.

A computer won't care that you paid on the last possible day.

• Pay only the minimum due but pay something on all of your bills.

Do not pay all of one bill and only some of the other.

• Don't charge anything on a due-in-30-days basis.

Try to arrange credit over a longer period of time.

• If it looks as if your money problems will last for a while send a note to the people you owe when you send part-payment.

Make it brief and to the point :
"I am experiencing problems that should be resolved soon.
Here is part of the payment.
I will pay the full amount as soon as I can."

6. Watch the cents

Until you work your way out of debt, you will need to take special care with your spending.

Try to put off buying clothes or items for the house until you are on a firmer financial footing.

Work out how much you can afford to put aside each week towards paying off your debts – and then work out how long it will take until you are debt-free.

Now you have a personal goal to work for - that marvellous day when you won't owe anybody anything !

7. Don't be too hard on yourself

Financial fitness takes discipline but it does no good to impose too strict a budget.
Chances are you won't be able to stick to it.

Then, on top of everything else, you will have to deal with that depressing feeling of failing to meet your own expectations.

8. Take control

Successfully settling your debts after a spending blow-out is a big achievement.

The important thing once you are debt-free is to make sure you do hot slip back into the red again.

More importantly, now is the time to get your money working for you to build up financial security for the future.

9. Make money work for you

Sometimes as little as S$50 a week is enough to get you started towards building up a fat nest egg for the future.

You also need to work on accumulating an emergency cash reserve. The best way to begin a plan is by learning how investments work.

An understanding of the system gives you the knowledge and confidence to win. Most of the major financial planning companies run seminars that provide a useful starting point.

10. Seek professional help

Nowadays there are many different Investment products available.

No one can be expected to choose from these and come up with the right answer every time.

You will need help from qualified adviser.

Choosing an adviser is an important decision because you should expect to be working with this person over a long period of time.

She can show you the way to achieve your goals, prepare a plan – even be your motivator – but in the end your future is up to you.

Your security and the lifestyle you will enjoy in the future are dependent on the financial decisions you make today.

I was too excited that I went to the money changer almost immediately.

(Fly away.)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy 1 Year 7 Months,

New helmets are awesome.

Hope you enjoy the gifts.



(Fly away.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

English :

I love you.
You love me.
Lets team up and kill Barney.
With a gun shot bang bang
Barney is on the floor.
No more purple dinosaur.

Chinese :


Spanish :

Te amo.
Usted me ama.
Deja para team para arriba y para matar Barney.
Con una explosión de la explosión del tiro del arma Barney está en el piso. No más de dinosaurio púrpura.

Greek :

Я тебя люблю.
Вы любите меня.
Препятствует для того чтобы объениняться в команду вверх и убиться Барни.
С челкой челки съемки пушки Барни на поле. Отсутствие более пурпурового динозавра.

Portugese :

Eu te amo.
Você ama-me.
Deixa para team acima e matar a discussão.
Com um estrondo do estrondo do tiro do injetor A discussão está no assoalho.
Não mais dinossauro roxo.

Korean :

당신은 저를 사랑한다.
위로 팀을 만들 논쟁의 죽이게 한다.
총으로 강타 강타를 쐈다 논쟁은 지면에 있다.
더 이상 자주색 공룡.

Japanese :


Italian :

Ti amo.
Lo amate.
Lascia per team in su ed uccidere le baruffe. Con uno scoppio di scoppio del colpo della pistola Le baruffe sono sul pavimento.
Più dinosauro viola.

(Fly away.)