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Disclaimer ♥ ♥ If you are hating, stop staring.™ Her Babat Face ♥ --- ♥ Sexy ♥ Smart ♥ Sophisticated ♥ 21 December 1989, Thursday. Sagittarian/Capricornian. Events Management Enthusiast. Branch Secretary.
Further Description of MYSELF : She expresses herself through fashion, food, her lyrical writings, music and photography. She organized her first gig, The Cynosure Theatre at the Singpore Art's House when she was barely 16 years old. She enjoys meeting up with her dearest girlfriends and enjoy late night sessions of crapping, gossiping and smoking. A self pro-claimed Facebook addict. An avid blogger on most days when she doesn't suffer from bitch fits. A person with flair and personality who doesn't resort to back hand tactics. It makes her look all timid. Like she emphasizes, if you are hating then stop staring. Then, again. Everyone is a critique. And, I am extremely vulgar. Did she mention that she has an obsession and addiction to a one-weird-eight-inch fetish ? Tweet ♥
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
1. Guys are more emotional than you think. If they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer than you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try. 2. Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about. 3. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile. 4. Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him. 5. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're going for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method. 6. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to. 7. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved. 8. Guys don't care how gorgeous you are, if you're a bitch Goodbye. 9. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what ?!! Uhh... Nevermind ..." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out. 10. Girls are guys' weaknesses. 11. Guys are very open about themselves. 12. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice. 13. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you. 14. Guys love you more than you love them. 15. Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole hell of a lot. 16. No matter how much guys talk about butts and boobs, personality is key. 17. Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped. 18. Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant. 19. If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl. 20. If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside. 21. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that. 22. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, 'Please come and listen to me.' 23. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up. 24. When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them. 25. When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something. 26. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes. 27. Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily. 28. Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys. 29. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them. 30. A guy would give his right nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day. 31. No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it. 32. Not all guys are jerks. Just because ONE is a jackass doesn't mean he represents ALL of them. 33. They love it when girls talk about their boobs. Hahaha. It's true ... 34. When a guy hits your butt it means that he wants you sexually. 35. Even if they refuse it, all guys are ticklish on the ribs. 36. Guys love neck rubs and if he lets you keep doing it. It means that he really likes you or his neck really hurts. 37. When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible. 38. Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life. Tuesday, July 28, 2009 SMRT Issues 309 Notifications Of Offences. I really am appalled by the fact that they are issuing summons for people eating sweets because they are dizzy. And if you are sick and in need of medication 24/7, I suggest that you cab every where you go. Tsk. Babies, don't cry if your mummies aren't feeding you in the trains. Rules are rules. Monday, July 27, 2009 What's with green & purple siia ? Looking at how ugly you were turned Barney The Dinosaur, gay. Did you gain weight ? Alot of weight. I thought maybe not seeing you for quite sometime will make you realize that you have horrible fashion sense. But, dear me. It just got alot worst. Abeyy, nampak kita takut. Kental lahh seyy. Johore Bahru is your territory so what the fuck are you afraid of ? Kental lahh siia kw. Hiding on the floor of the car when you are moving off. Has, gossiping with you was loved though ! I so love the random lighter shopping. We will do that soon. :D Thank goodness, we get along just fine, babe. FYI. Shikin, the picture above depicts how you look like. I didn't regret coming down to Johore Bahru despite the cold weather. At least I wasn't making a fool out of myself with green and purple. You really look like a fatter, flabbier version of Barney The Dinosaur. Sumpah, jalan stop it. Hahaha. But, thanks a plenty for making my day by being an unwanted centre of attraction. Friday, July 24, 2009 This is taken from the Urban Explorations website : SG Freaky Links. A makcik came to my house, selling keropok and asked for a re-fill of warm water to quench her thirst. Yes, she knocked repeatedly on my door loudly as if she wanted to break the door. I OPENED THE DOOR and there she is. A makcik selling keropok with a huge bag which she dragged effortlessly. It looked heavy and I am amazed by her strength. She looked slightly hunch backed. A pity. My mum asked her where she was from and she said she made the trip from my house at Balestier from Jurong. She was selling the keropok and mum decide to buy and they cost 3 for $10. I took the keropoks, handed the money and close the door. She moved on to the next few rows of houses. I ate it. Yes, it was slightly stale but still edible. I am still alive and well while I typed this. Did I encounter a makcik keropok ? Yes. Was she scary or carrying a “Pretty Lady” on her back ? No. Am I possesed ? No. And, for your information readers … She came TWICE. Rejected by the first time cause I was broke and the second time we bought cause mum opened the door. She wore a long sleeve outfit and a pair of pants carrying a sling bag. Her outfit changes the first and second time I saw her. And she came during dusk or Maghrib as the Muslims call it. STOP BEING IGNORANT, PEOPLE. Some ordinary people are trying to make a living even if it means by selling stuffs door to door. Don’t disturb their rice bowls. So, does it mean that the next time, a man comes knocking your door selling anything and everything, he is dealing with the Devil ? However, if you want to be careful, look through the peep hole. All I am saying is, you got to be careful. She is just a god damn makcik lahh seyy. If you think she deserves your self pity, then buy the keropok from her. If you are heartless jerk, just slam the door right on her face. No reason for you or anyone else to spread perpostrous rumours like that just because you were drowned in your own guilt for being indifferent towards a makcik selling keropok to provide for herself. She came at dusk. She wasn’t whispering any weird mantras. Nor was she piggy-backing an entity of another realm. She looked EXTREMELY and TOTALLY harmless. Yes, her keropok was abit “masuk angin” P.s I don’t know what “masuk angin” in English is. But, I am alive. Aren’t I. Well and alive. Maybe, I have a slight sore throat but I am still running and walking and not possesed. Anyways, to the people who started this god damn whole thing, it is VERY childish. And if you really experience it, tell DeathScythe of SG Freaky Links your story. The real deal. Don’t come up with bloody shit like it happened to my “friend’s auntie’s fifth cousin” or anything of that sort. No one is buying it. And the you, in the comment before this means the general public. Not pointing fingers at anyone. Just to make sure and set things right. Hee. (: Ohhs. And if another makcik keropok comes along, I will ask her whether she is the real deal. Wednesday, July 22, 2009 Things are getting weirder at home. But, I just have to tawakkal. Goodness. The latest event happened just recently. Maybe 2 or 3 days ago. I can't really remember ... I was too spooked by it. As usual, I was indulging myself in SpongeBob SquarePants marathon session on Nickelodeon as it was his 10th birthday. Recently, Mum has a habit of playing the verses of the Quran on her mobile phone when Maghrib arrives. She usually turns on the Ayatul Kursi and the Surah Yassin on repeat mode until she completes her cycle of the Isya` prayers. As usual, the brother and I are bickering outside while watching TV. I can't remember what time it was but I knew it was almost dinner time cause Mum was walking into that dreaded room to retrieve her mobile. When, she suddenly shouted. Mum : "Okae, which one of you was it ?!!" Me : "Was what ?!!" "Kita tengah watch TV seyy." "Abeyy nak marah." "Relax uhh." Mum : "Siapa suruh kw pause kan Surah yang tengah playing dekat hand phone aq niie." Me : "Mama ada on ke dekat HP ?" Adeq : "Mana orang tau." "Dari tadi tengah tengok SpongeBob SquarePants niie" Mum : "Papa ada keluar bilik tak." Adeq & I : "Mana ada !" "Dari tadi kita dua baring dekat sofa tak nampak pun Papa keluar." So, Mum decided to ask Dad if he was the culprit doing it. It seems that Dad did leave the room only to off the lights and leave the make up table light on. And when he entered the room to off the lights, the Surahs were still playing. So, who off-ed it if it was no one in the family ? Was the entity technologically advance ? Tuesday, July 21, 2009 If you are reading this, just shut your yap. Cause, I don't need any of your freaking god damn help !!! Friday, July 17, 2009 Please take a fucking shower !!! Honestly, I can't stand it when people don't bathe or brush their teeths. Clean yourselves up, people. Don't blame me if I stare at you with my hands on my nose. Cause, you fucking stink. P.s You are insignificant and totally the dumbest person alive. Thank God that we no longer speak cause I am happier this way. I'd rather not talk with you than suffer a brain hemorrhage standing close to you. P.s Stupidity is your deadly disease. Thanks, smarty. Thursday, July 16, 2009 Fuck you very, very much in deed. Happy 1 year 3 monthversary, Love. Since 16th April 2008, Wednesday. It was tough but I am glad that I made it through all with you and only you. I love you now, then and forever. Labels: Our anniversary. Outright fines for commuters drinking & eating in MRT trains, stations. Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Outright fines for commuters drinking & eating in MRT stations, trains. I was shocked when I watched the news while indulging on dinner with Fion. What other funny rules and regulations will they come up with ? I don't usually comment on the system that their running into but speaking with Angela regarding this has got me thinking. What about babies and toddlers ? Are they going to impose these ridiculous fines upon innocent kids as well. And to think, these MRT patrollers are bringing their cameras with the time on patrol sessions. Can children control their urge to eat ? If I was sick on my way back from work coughing madly, will I be fined for drinking water from my own bottle or sucking on a piece of lozenges in my mouth ? It's time to start thinking, everyone. Fines are there to regulate people. But, I think this is just too ridiculuos. If you see someone wearing a red shirt in the MRT stations or trains, you know someone is watching you. And I think people should be allowed to suck sweets in the train. You might never know that when the train is packed, you are standing beside someone who has totally bad breath. And carry a bottle of perfume or lotion when you are taking the trains during the peak hours. People tend to be sweating and emitting bad odour from places. I saw a mad uncle smoke in the train before though and he was drunk and stinky with alcohol. Weird-ness. Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Yes, I have a big butt. Sunday, July 12, 2009 Karaoke session with the family. Yes, I sang. Hahaha. More singing sessions soon. But, I will never join Anugerah or Singapore Idol. Maybe, I'll be famous after uploading this on Youtube. Hahaha. Saturday, July 11, 2009 Let's have some fun, This beat is sick; I wanna take a ride on your disco stick, Don't think too much just bust that kick; I wanna take a ride on your disco stick. Can I pause, stop and rewind the moments ? Friday, July 10, 2009 A TRIBUTE Yes, the King of Pop has left. All the tributes are for him and him only. Rest in peace, Michael Jackson. I know this is abit too late. But, what the heck. But, today my tribute goes to our special companions who are with us for the past 1 year 3 months that Love and I have been together. I am determined to go through the ups and downs with Love no matter what. I miss FT 29** H !!! ): On a happier note, welcome to the family baby Gilera. I am still getting use to you. And you make my kelengkang hurt. You look fatter with the box. But, I can put my stuff inside. Welcome, baby Gilera. Please don't be a bitch in any way. It has been a week since I last saw you. I miss hugging the tank which belongs to me and me only. I miss going on a joy ride with you. I hated you when you had your box. But, I still loved you. Fuck, why must you go ?!! But, you were expensive to take care. Still, I missed you ! Your paint job was the same colour as my helmet. You were the perfect bike ever even though you had a hole on one of your tyres. I fucking hate you. I am glad you are in the workshop. You are a real bastard. You and you owner turned into assholes when you get together. You make me cry so much because you always bring my Love to stupid places at extreme speeds. You make my back ache. I just fucking hate you. You caused our pockets to burst. I can't wait for them to scrap you. Did I mention I fucking hate you ? What the fucking hell happened to you ? Why did you turn so ugly. What happened to my favourite ride with Ironman's colours ? You were the joy of our lives and saying goodbye to you was the saddest thing ever. I really missed you when I see your familiars cruising down the expressways. I really missed the places we conquered with you by our side. I miss you always, now and forever. Nachia is love. I simply must update about this hidden wonder ! Location : 271 Balestier Road, Singapore (329722) It is prominently located beside a Hotel 81. It's in Ava Road though. You got to walk in ! I am always there every week. Be it with my Love or the Girlfriend. What can I say ? Nothing can beat the Tom Yam that's serve hot and super spicy. Did I mention the chicken curry screams orgasm. I never do food reviews but today I know I must. The roti prata is made with love and I can eat tons of it. Especially the roti prata egg. Sedap nak mampus lahh seyy. Don't forget to order a teh ais manis to go along with your food. Trust me, you will not regret this ! :D Thursday, July 9, 2009 Get well soon, dearest. What is Bell's Palsy ? Bells palsy is a condition that causes the facial muscles to weaken or become paralyzed. It's caused by trauma to the 7th cranial nerve, and is not permanent. Why is it called Bell's Palsy ? The condition is named for Sir Charles Bell, a Scottish surgeon who studied the nerve and its innervation of the facial muscles 200 years ago. How common is Bell's Palsy ? Bell's palsy is not as uncommon as is generally believed. Worldwide statistics set the frequency at approximately 0.02% of the population (with geographical variations). In human terms this is 1 of every 5000 people, and 40,000 Americans every year. Is Bell's Palsy always on the same side ? The percentage of left or right side cases is approximately equal, and remains equal for recurrences. Is there any difference because of gender or race ? The incidence of Bell's palsy in males and females, as well as in the various races is also approximately equal. The chances of the condition being mild or severe, and the rate of recovery is also equal. What conditions can increase the risk of having Bell's Palsy ? Older people are more likely to be afflicted, but children are not immune to it. Children tend to recover well. Diabetics are more than 4 times more likely to develop Bell's palsy than the general population. The last trimester of pregnancy is considered to be a time of increased risk for Bell's palsy. Conditions that compromise the immune system such as HIV or sarcoidosis increase the odds of facial paralysis occurring and recurring. Can Bell's Palsy affect both sides of the face ? It is possible to have bilateral Bells palsy, but it's rare, accounting for less than 1% of cases. With bilateral facial palsy, it's important to rule out all other possible diagnoses with thorough diagnostic tests. Can Bell's Palsy affect other parts of the body ? Bells palsy should not cause any other part of the body to become paralyzed, weak or numb. If any other areas are affected Bell's palsy is not the cause of the symptoms, and further testing must be done. How do the symptoms of Bell's Palsy progress ? Very quickly. Most people either wake up to find they have Bells palsy, or have symptoms such as a dry eye or tingling around their lips that progress to classic Bell's palsy during that same day. Occasionally symptoms may take a few days to be recognizable as Bells palsy. The degree of paralysis should peak within several days of onset - never in longer than 2 weeks (3 weeks maximum for Ramsey Hunt syndrome). A warning sign may be neck pain, or pain in or behind the ear prior to palsy, but it is not usually recognized in first-time cases. Is Bell's Palsy contagious ? No, it is not contagious. People with Bells palsy can return to work and resume normal activity as soon as they feel up to it. What about recovery from Bell's Palsy ? Approximately 50% of Bells palsy patients will have essentially complete recoveries in a short time. Another 35% will have good recoveries in less than a year. Regardless of the trigger, Bell's palsy is best described as an event - trauma to the nerve. As with any other injury, healing follows. The quality and duration of recovery is dependent on the severity of the initial injury. If the nerve has suffered nothing more than a mild trauma, recovery can be very fast, taking several days to several weeks. An "average" recovery is likely to take between a few weeks and a few months. The nerve regenerates at a rate of approximately 1-2 millimeters per day, and can continue to regenerate for 18 months, probably even longer. Improvement of appearance can continue beyond that time frame. Is muscle atrophy a concern ? Not as a rule. It takes longer for the muscles to start to atrophy than it takes for most people to fully recover. Is Bell's Palsy likely to happen again ? The possibility of recurrence had been thought to be as high as 10 - 20%. These figures have been lowered as more has been learned about conditions that are now diagnosed as other types of facial palsies. Estimates of the rate of recurrence still vary widely, from around 4 - 14%. Most recent reports hover at 5 - 9%. The average timespan between recurrences is 10 years. Wednesday, July 8, 2009 I am just tired. I wish I could sleep for an eternity. But, it will never happen. I have a feeling that I might start talking to myself soon. God damn it. Lately, alot of weird things has been happening. I know there is something spooky going on in my room. But, I just ignored it pretty much. I don't want to scare myself at all. And then, I became really scared. I knew on that faithful Saturday my mind weren't playing tricks on me. I knew someone knocked on my window. I knew it wasn't the upstairs neighbour or Superman. Because, technically Superman don't exist. And, for your information, I live on the 7th floor of my apartment. It sounded as though someone was using his or her hands to knock on my glass window. If it was indeed the upstairs neighbour, his hands wouldn't be long enough to reach the window. I even did an experiment to test the differents sounds that will be made if a person knocks using different materials on my window. And, holy shit. It sounded exactly how a knock will sound if I used my hands. Scary stuff. On Sunday, the same thing happened. So, I slept in my Mama's room. Hee. On Monday, a slightly different thing happened. I was out late. With my boy as well. He sent me to the door, like a gentleman he always was. Anyways, I noticed that all the windows in the house was shut tight. So, I just ignored it and proceeded to the toilet for a quick shower. I changed, got into my room with the door open and the night light on. Then, I almost dived into the bed. Guess what ? Suddenly, the left foot feels numb. Why is that so ? I have no idea. So, I just rubbed the idea off and think that I might have twisted my ankle or something. So, I laid there waiting for my boy to reach home. And then, the pain got a little bit unbearable. It's as though someone or something was sitting on my left feet. The spooky part is right over here. Remember when I said all the windows were shut tight ? Only God knows from where that a slight breeze was blowing in my room. It made me felt chilly and I had goosebumps. Shucks. I went straight for Mama's room. Sometimes, when I sleep and on the fan, I would here something knocking against my bed. I thought it'll be the curtain cause the fan's blowing on it. But, when I turn off the fan, the same thing's happening. Sometimes I think too much about life, love and work. I know I think alot about food. But, I know I am not thinking alot this time round. Neither am I hallucinating. I used to enjoy urban explorations. But, I haven't been going to these places for more than a year. I am guessing, someone is sending them to me. But, who ?!! Haish. Shucks. Guess what ? On Monday night, I was talking with the boy on the phone. I was sitting right beside the room with my back facing the wall. Suddenly, I felt super uneasy. I swear someone just breathed on my neck !!! My back was facing the god damn wall. Then, as I was concentrating on the whole conversation with Love, I swear I saw something pop it's head out from that room. That was when I felt super uneasy and texted Love to continue our conversation via text messaging. The scary part was when I came back in the afternoon from work and adeq approached me. Adeq : "Oi. Yesterday, you crazy uhh ? Sleep so late. 3.ooAM still talking on the phone." Me : "What the hell are you talking about siia ?!! Yeah. I was on the phone but I went in to the room at 12.3oAM to 12.45Am gituu." Adeq : "You serious uhh ?" Me : "Yes lahh, idiot. What the fuck is wrong with you ?" Adeq gives a confused and shocked look on his face. Adeq : "But ..." Me : "But, what ?!!" Adeq : "I saw you sitting there at 3.ooAM !!!" Me : "There, where ? Yeah. I was sitting somewhere near the room. But I sat there at 12.3oAM gituu. Cause it felt uneasy so I went to bed." Adeq : "Then ... What or who was it that I saw at 3.ooAM" Me : "What ? Tell me uhh." Adeq : "I thought it was you still up at 3.ooAM. So, I looked in your direction and waved at you. But, you gave no response. I wanted to know what's up with you sitting there. Me : "But, it wasn't me lahh siia. I was asleep liiao. If you told me it was at 12.3oAM, I believe. But, you weren't looking at me at 12.3oAM. You were concentrating on the PSP. So, I went to bed." Adeq : "Okae ... That was scary. You looked all green in the face. I looked at you but you were all quiet. There was light on your face. Then, you looked up and looked down real quickly. In 1o to 15 minutes when I looked again, you were gone." Me : "I told you ! It wasn't fucking me lahh siia. I was already asleep and knocked out !" Are you my evil twin from another realm then ? That explains the article about the "Doppleganger" mentioned below. An alarming visitor or my This article is taken from : Doppleganger Category : Human Enigmas A double, an identical replica of a person. The idea behind this is that everyone has a Doppleganger, an identical copy of themselves somewhere in the world. If the person is good, then the Doppleganger will be evil and vice versa. It is even said that if the two should meet, then they will both perish. Although there is no evidence that Dopplegangers exist, some people have actually reported claims of witnessing what they believe to be their Doppleganger. In all likelihood however, Dopplegangers are an aspect of myth only. Recommended Further Reading -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All books featured here are provided in association with Additional Notes : Alcien Semhazai A doppelganger is not only a copy of a person, it is much more like that of a shadow; the representation of the dark side or opposite of a person. There is also an association of shape shifting similar to that of a shadow which does not remain the same at all times but still remains a shadow attached some way to the thing that makes it. The doppelganger cannot become something it is not but a variation of what it is; nor can it become independent of what it is copying. But surely the question rises where such creatures come from. Like most things unexplained or unknown it may be believed they come from a supernatural power. Whether you want to call them demons or angels does not matter for really the doppelganger is that thing in between. Upon the Earth these creatures cannot hold their former figure so they take a shape that can live in this one. Like the angels that fell with Lucifer or those once called watchers from Heaven angels and demons alike have had a fascination with man. When on Earth their first form may seem like that of a spirit ghost. Being able to roam the Earth other shapes may seem more suitable to the purpose they ultimately design becoming more human in their evolution. However the change is not controlled, at least at first. Even if the Doppelganger is but a myth the story told by them is really one of mankind. We often change and have a sense of duality. Like the doppelganger we but wonder through life searching for that form, that thing we call self, so that we may serve that purpose, so we may end the quest. Tom I also know that the 'doppleganger' are two persons. They both form one. The doppleganger can get out of the body of a person when something is unfinished, missed, it divides into two. When what was missed to do is completed, the doppleganger joins the person and they both form one. Renoir Actually some legends claim that dopplegangers are not the "significant other" of each human - their dark side or light side. In some literature, the Doppleganger is like a homunculus- a living entity with no soul - which was believed to have been first created by alchemist Paracelsus in the 1400s. Just like the homunculus, it has no soul, but unlike the homonculus, it can change its form. This seems more sensible since people all have a dark and light side inside themselves, instead of one side existing somewhere else on the planet. The doppleganger is supposed to copy whatever it sees, mostly adapting a human form. When it does change, it will have most of their traits- including appearance, blood type, and voice. The only thing a doppleganger can't copy is the human or animal's soul. This is just one of the many stories of what a doppleganger could be. There are recorded writings of people actually seeing a doppleganger (Like Lincoln, poet John Donne and Guy de Maupassant) but they could all be just figments of the imagination. Ophiel The doppleganger are replacements that come from various underground facilities. It is unfair to label them souless. Though clones, like us, information is incoded into their genes. Most cases of a sighted doppleganger are reported after mass catatrophies were they can be intergrated into the stream of the holographic universe. The person witnessing his doppleganger is usually in a state of distraught, very depressed, or on the verge of a life changing experience. The feeling of opposition one gets from them, meaning if your good they're evil and vice versa, is simply the manifestation of the latter problems that brought the doppleganger about. Nothing about it is opposite seeing as though duality is strictly a disease of the mind. Stevo In most cases, people die after they see their Doppleganger. Emily Dopplegangers can also be recognized by a person hearing what they believe is a person coming home and infact no one is there. It is common that the action one believe's they hear supercedes the true action. Commonly it can be a spirit of the person. Not all dopplegangers are evil. Rice the Medic It is also said that if one sees their own doppleganger, (and do not die) then they are doomed to be haunted by visions of their ghostly counterpart. Supposedly, Dopplegangers are like advisors to the people they double. However, such advice can be misleading or even malicious. (Can you really trust yourself ?) Also, folklore tells us that dopplegangers (or "DoppleGaengers" for the offical spelling) cast no shadow. The term means "Double Walker" when translated from German. Lombardi It's also of static clue, and speculation that when you dream of seeing a doppelganger of either your equal self, or someone else it denotes an inner symbolism of your subconscious that you are, or have been carrying imaginary or self created fears of yourself, or the person you see the "alternate" of in your own waking life. So in a way, your double is an imagery of everything you dislike about yourself shown in a mirrored opposite. Peter Winwood This is all basically part of urban myth and a very Jungian view of human psychology, i.e. 'the shadow' element of individual psychology,etc. A moment's consideration indicates that the notion is practically ridiculous. It would require two individuals to possess exactly the same DNA structure as if they were identical twins. I think that the mother of the individual claiming a doppleganger might have something to say about that !!! Tuesday, July 7, 2009 Haunted If only everyone knew what's on my mind, Maybe they'll understand and try to find; If everyone felt what were my thoughts, Maybe they would open up and talk. I'm in the midst, lost in the clouds, This time round I have not fought; I've lost my will, I used to fly, This time round, I'm filled with whys. I have fallen deeper this time, I am sunken in my own crowded mind; I try to search for the truth, Only to find that it's stuck in my muse. I'll just keep it tightly capped, Let them dance and sing in my head; It's not a melody but I am forced to hear, The record's stuck to a song of fear. Day and night I'm wide awake, Tomorrow I'll walk as though I'm dead; It's alright I'll try to move on, I pretend to everyone that I am strong. The heart's that beating begins to die out, Slowly but surely, I'll fall apart; But, I'll pretend that everything's okae, I'll face the world with a fake smile on my face. |