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If you are hating, stop staring.™

Her Babat Face ♥

Desinta Arisade Halid

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Legally 21, soon !
♥ Sexy ♥ Smart ♥ Sophisticated ♥

If you are hating, stop staring.

21 December 1989, Thursday.
Events Management Enthusiast.
Branch Secretary.

.•°*(¯` •.Latiif♥Synnta.• ´¯)*°•.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

If you are hating, stop staring.™

Further Description of MYSELF :
She expresses herself through fashion, food, her lyrical writings, music and photography.
She organized her first gig, The Cynosure Theatre at the Singpore Art's House when she was barely 16 years old.
She enjoys meeting up with her dearest girlfriends and enjoy late night sessions of crapping, gossiping and smoking.
A self pro-claimed Facebook addict.
An avid blogger on most days when she doesn't suffer from bitch fits.
A person with flair and personality who doesn't resort to back hand tactics.
It makes her look all timid.
Like she emphasizes, if you are hating then stop staring.
Then, again.
Everyone is a critique.
And, I am extremely vulgar.
Did she mention that she has an obsession and addiction to a one-weird-eight-inch fetish ?

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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Would the rules change up or would they still apply if I played you like a toy ?
Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy.

This is how I describe some of my ex-boyfriends.

Attitude problem.
Lacks communication.
Not patient.
Not trustworthy.
Not understanding.
Very vulgar.


I'm still sprung on you though. (:

(Fly away.)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mike will definitely say, "This shit is FIRE !"

FREEZE. You know who it is. It's me, bitches ! (:

Now, this song is stuck in my head.

And some other songs that he played while we were talking on the phone. (:

Hey, yesterday you were crazy. Well, you are always crazy. LOL.

Pardon me for saying this. Definitely, I'm going to be missing him, ALOT.

The reasons why, spring is coming and he's going to be really busy helping his brother out. ):

So, he won't call me that much but we've decided that we could work something out.

I talk to him almost every day.

Wait, not almost.

But, every day.

To be exact, twice a day.

Before he goes to bed and when he wakes up. ((:

Hey, don't jealous. Okae ? LOL.

You are so addictive to talk to.

Fucking bored.

I have class today.


(Fly away.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Every girl dreams that one day she will find a boy that does these things for her. Even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life.

So, where are you, my perfect boyfriend ?

• Give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.

• Leave her cute text notes.

• Kiss her in front of your friends.

• Tell her she looks beautiful.

• Look into her eyes when you talk to her.

• Let her mess with your hair.

• Touch her hair.

• Just walk around with her.

• Forgive her for her mistakes.

• Look at her like she`s the only girl you see.

• Tickle her even when she says stop.

• Hold her hand when you`re around your friends.

• When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.

• Let her fall asleep in your arms.

• Get her mad, then kiss her.

• Tease her and let her tease you back.

• Stay up all night with her when she`s sick.

• Watch her favorite movie with her.

• Kiss her forehead.

• Give her the world.

• Write her letters.

• Let her wear your clothes.

• When she`s sad, hang out with her.

• Let her know she`s important.

• Let her take all the photos she wants of you.

• Kiss her in the pouring rain.

• When you fall in love with her, tell her.

• And when you tell her, love her like you`ve never loved someone before.



Still bored.

Still very bored.

Still very, very bored.

Still extremely very bored.


I'm crazy today.

Yesterday, Mike called me.

We talked for like 4hours 24minutes. ((:

He told me what sprung means though. (:

I'm not telling you though cause it's a secret.

But I'm happy though.

Very happy.

Super happy.

Extremely happy.

He tried speaking in Malay and it sounded weird and funny at the same time.

But it was cute.

Well, if he is going to be speaking in Malay again, he will still and always sound cute.

I'm sprung too.

You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions.

(Fly away.)

Monday, March 26, 2007


I have something against my own race. LOL.

No offence.

Some Chinese people are racist.

I don't like, okae ?

This country is a melting pot of Eastern and Western cultures. So, stay that way.

We are multi-racial.

I don't like people who bitch about me in their language and think that I don't understand them.

Too bad cause I do.


I find most Malays to be typical which means they are boring.

I don't like mat rempits.

They think their bikes are cool.

Fuck you lahh.

Using your bikes to impress girls.

Don't you think that pick up line is cliche ?

When the fact is that most of you are all desperate and horny.

Even a five-year-old would know that.

Minah, if you ride anyone's motorbike, pantat mantain ehh.

I hate the mats and minahs.

You all merepek uhh.

I hate minahs who are fat and ugly but thinks they are hot and pretty.


They wear clothes which expose 80% of their unproportionate body parts.

Don't you have money to buy proper clothes ?

I hate people who act as though they are some big shot.

Look in the mirror. How old are you again ?

Minah, don't stare at me when I take the train, okae ?

I'm not that sultry. LOL.

Don't be jealous.

I hate mat reps.

They seem to spoil everything.

From the songs they listen to, the clothes and labels they wear and the places they hang out.

I hate posers.

Emo is not a culture. Bodoh.

I hate kiasu Singaporeans.

I hate Singaporeans who speaks Singlish and tries so hard to slang their words.

You all sound like crap.

Try pronouncing your words right before you try to slang them.

I hate going to the minimart because sometimes the shop keeper doesn't understand me.

I hate taking the MRT or the SBS. It's too crowded, sometimes. LOL.

I hate taking public transport as EZ-Link fare is expensive.

I hate taking the cab.

The taxi driver will purposely drive a longer route so that he'll earn more money.

I hate people who claim that music is universal but criticize other genre of songs.

Don't stereotype.

I don't like most foreign workers. They all mi-ang.

Today, I'm crazy. (: Bye.

(Fly away.)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

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You can win me, you can lose me but never try to use me.

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I look at you with such disdain.

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My mind's unweaving. Maybe it's best you leave me alone.


Dad's Vs. Kids.

I was on the phone with Mike. Now, he will think I'm really crazy.

I was shouting and screaming alot.

Widya, the crazy cousin spanked my butt a couple of times.

Shairah was there. I think the couple is planning to get married soon. Congratulations to them.


No offence, but I see old people running and falling down trying to tackle the ball.

The scorching sun made me sweat alot.

There were alot of kids who made the whole place noisy.

I saw mat reps and mat rempits. They are all ayam lahh. LOL.

I saw a minah rep too. Eeww. Stop it. Underage.

Shairah called me daring because of the new haircut. LOL.

I remember Fion telling me to dress up vintage.

I think Auntie Mariah called me a girl version of Paul Twohill.

Fuck, I hate him. Poser.

Irfan scored a total of 4 goals.

He wasn't happy that his dad scored a goal though.

Kid's, 6 - Dad's, 4

It was a good game and I think they are planning to do it again.

After the match, everyone, well almost everyone, headed to a nearby coffeeshop to eat.

I swear to you that the guy who was taking orders for the drinks got confused because there were too many people.

He kept sending the wrong drinks.

The Indian guy at the prata shop makes delicious roti prata.

That word "sprung" is from T-Pain's song, I'm Sprung. It kinda sounds bad, okae. ):

Explain to me again why I'm falling for you.
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I the way you make me smile.

(Fly away.)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I have huge blisters on my toes. Anyone want to see my sexy blistered feet ? Haha. LOL.

I ♥ my new black pair of skinny jeans.



Kiddies playground.

Empty dancefloor.

I saw a pair of lesbian, kissing.

Do I look fat or what ?

A falling star, least I fall alone.

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I've fallen so deep for you. (:

(Fly away.)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Okae, I got my hair cut finally. ((:

I was pissed off when I saw what that stupid hairstylist did to my hair.

Technically, it's not what I wanted.

Because on one side of my head, it's way too short.

LOL. But when she blowed and styled it a little, it wasn't so bad. But I was still pissed off. Thank god she didn't charge me the usual price. Instead of the usual $26 she charged me $16. I swear that she couldn't understand english or something. Wacko. LOL. Thank god mama didn't say anything about the concaved hair cut. (: But today, it's alright. I have to blow it though.

Damn, that is a hassle.

Today, I can finally have my long awaited shopping spree.

But I have a session today. I'm going to be rushing from one place to another. Damn. I hate going to Bedok though. That place kinda sucks. Mat reps. Lame. I might get lost in Bedok though. Because I dont know that place well. LOL.

Mike, I think you need a new cell phone. Your phone is messed up. I think it's thrice that we got disconnected from our conversation and you are violent with your phone. LOL.

Wait a minute, or is it mine ?

Please take a moment to view the dumb pictures above. My mama took the second picture by the way. I look retard.

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(Before)You get the idea, okae ? LOL.(After)

I the way you make me smile.

(Fly away.)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Everything is just contradicting. Can someone, please, help me ? This whole week is definitely not a good week. Despite the fact that I finally have money. But seriously, what is the point of having money when it doesn't make you happy. ): Right now, I'm very busy teaching the kids. In total 4 kids to be exact. They are all right but the pre-school kid needs alot of help. Right now, I'm trying my best though. I'm still pissed off. EVERYTHING IS FUCKED UP. You know what ? I don't bother anymore. But the good thing is, I'm not blind anymore. (:

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Excuse me. (: Pardon the eye bags and the retard face.

If I can go, contigo, I'll pack my things, soon as you say.
Baby vamos, we'll fly away, like there is no, no tomorrow.
If can go, contigo, I'll tell my friends, nothing at all.
I'll get my things, soon as you say, baby vamos, we'll fly away.

(Fly away.)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Good morning, world. (: I'm awake early today. That's because I have to teach the cousins, later at 2PM. -_- Then at 5PM, I have to rush all the way to Aljunied to teach the fat kid and her preschool-cousin-who-don't-know-his-alphabets. LOL. I'm sick. Still sick. I hate having the flu and this morning was cold, cold, cold. Mama woke me up today but I think I fall asleep. LOL. It wasn't until Mike called me that I was completely awake. ((: I want a shopping spree tomorrow ! Chiaoz.

My first thought is always you.

Breathe in for luck, breathe in so deep,
This air is blessed, you share with me.
This night is wild, so calm and dull,
These hearts they race from self control.
Your legs are smooth as they graze mine,
We're doing fine, we're doing nothing at all.

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My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelry, which ever you prefer.

The words are hushed, lets not get busted;
just lay entwined here, undiscovered.
Safe in here, from all the stupid questions.
"Hey did you get some?". Man, that is so dumb.
Stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear...
so we can get some.

My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me, so I die happy.

My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelry, which ever you prefer.

Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember,
I'll always remember the sound of the stereo,
The dim of the soft lights,
The scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers
And the time on the clock when we realized it's so late
And this walk that we shared together.
The streets were wet and the gate was locked so I jumped it,
And I let you in.
And you stood at your door with your hands on my waist
And you kissed me like you meant it.
And I knew that you meant it,
That you meant it,
That you meant it,
And I knew,
That you meant it,
That you meant it.

(Fly away.)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Call me fickle minded or something but I re-vamped the blog again. (: I'm going to change it again though.

I guess I have to go. I have a tuition session today and I don't even remember it. Chiaoz.


(Fly away.)

Monday, March 19, 2007

I'm all tired out. I can't sleep. I can't sleep even if I tried real hard. I was lying motionless on my bed with my eyes closed while hugging my favourite pillow. I'm having cramps which are unbearable because it's the time of the month. Bad luck. Okae ? Earlier on, I met Hairil, Tasha and her bf. We had dinner at Changi Village. It's this coffeeshop called Airfield Cafe. I think. The food was alright. (: We chilled for awhile a Tasha's bf was watching soccer. Manchester United won though. The score was 4-1. YAY ! Lol. We were just playing around with Tasha's bike when Tasha saw a policeman. They were parking their bikes where they were not suppose to. So, they had to move their bikes. Anyway, the dumb Hairil brought us to the Old Changi Hospital. Our plan wasn't even to go into that forlorn place. Until 2 girls from another group of bikers approached us. It seems that they wanted to explore the whole place. So, we just said yes. So, in total there were 5 girls and 5 guys. It was noisy. 2 chinese couples wanted to join us. Well, we did asked them to. But they were reluctant. So, whatever to them. Tash saw something on the flight of stairs. My heart raced because that means there is a presence. Tasha's bf got kicked. Half time for him. They were heading for the mortuary but everyone backed out.

Key words : Felt, saw, window, flight of stairs, abandoned, forlorn.

I was tutoring the girl from madrasah again. Today she is way smarter. I gave her 15 multiple choice questions, she got 1 wrong. *Good girl. I made her do 12 problem sums and she got only 2 of the questions wrong. I'm really happy that she's improving. I'm $120 richer too cause her mum paid me. ((: Finally, I can go on the long awaited shopping spree. But I'm not going to buy much things.

♥ A pair of black tapered jeans.
♥ A sassy looking top.
♥ A new pair of sandals.

I met the wackos again after the tutoring session. I went home, ate home-cooked Nasi Lemak. Yummy. Read the newspaper. Before wacko, numero uno called and asked me to hang out. LOL. First they rode to the cemetery. The trip was better compared to Saturday's unexpected trip. Then they rode to Tuas Industrial Estate. I swear to you, I cramped my butt. LOL. The idiots got lost and Tuas is fucking huge. They were riding around in circles. We were stopped by a policeman for entering a restricted ares. We were almost chased by a group of wild dogs. We made fun of groups of foreign workers and I think I saw a guy pee-d in the bush. Haha. But the whole trip was fun. ((: I was dead beat but I managed to catch a good night's sleep.

P.s I have lessons today. Boo !

I miss you because I'm thinking of you. (:


(Fly away.)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Re-vamp, again. (:

Yesterday, after a whole long week of not being out. I finally met with the Girlfriend. (: It was fun. In the bus we were gossiping about one of our friends. I shall not mention his or her name. For the whole journey we were practically talking about how she copied almost everyone. LOL. We walked around aimlessly at Carrefour. I think I saw a mini chocolate fondue fountain machine thingy. LOL. I'm not sure what they were called though. We windowed shop and people browse. It was fun. ((: We talked about those days. We didn't eat though. LOL. Cause we weren't hungry. But we ended up at Starbucks eventually because the Girlfriend had a craving for The Ugliest Curry Puff. I had a New York Cheesecake. Yummy. But the guy at Starbucks is an idiot. I asked him for a Cheesecake and he gave me an Oreo Cheesecake. I hate Oreo's. I think the whole Starbucks kinda know us already because we are like a familiar face over there. I think they are so gonna remember us for the idiots who ate cereal in the middle of the night. LOL.

I have to teach the fat kid tomorrow and she is a dweeb. LOL. I hope her pain-in-the-ass cousins are not around. They are noisy. LOL.

Officially, Mike has been calling me for these past 3 days. You bet I am happy, excited and all of the words that you can think of. Hehe. He says I sound British but do I sound British ? Cause I don't think so. He says I have a huge accent. I don't think so. He says he has difficulty trying to understand me. He says I use the word scold too much. He says I don't talk. I'm still shy. LOL. But I still think he's cute. Okae ? ((: Don't jealous uhh. LOL.

I dont know what else to write. So, bye. (:

(Fly away.)

Friday, March 16, 2007

He doesn't know this but everytime he calls, I'm all excited. ((:
Oi ! I like you. LOL.

(Fly away.)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Urban Development Authority, Singapore
Singapore Tourism Board
Economic Development Board, Singapore
Channel News Asia

What do you need to know about Singapore Integrated Casino Resorts?

Two Resort Complexes

• Integrated resorts at Marina Bayfront and Sentosa. Casino to fill less than 5% of total floor area at each complex.
• Marina Bayfront: Business and convention facility on a 12.2-ha site.
• Sentosa: Family-friendly resort on 47-ha site .
• Total investments of around $5 billion.
• 35,000 new jobs.
• $1.5b annual boost for GDP.
• Contracts to be awarded by end of the year and resorts operational around 2009.

Gambling Controls

• Casino entrance fee for Singapore citizens and PRs: $100 a day and $2,000 a year. Money collected to go to Singapore Totalisator Board for charitable causes.
• Spouses and family members can ask that people with gambling problem be denied entry.
• Bankrupts, people on public assistance and those with poor credit records will be excluded.
• Locals cannot use credit cards post-dated cheques or get credit from casinos.
• No advertising by casinos in local media.
• Home Affairs Ministry to set up Casino Regulatory Authority.
• Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports to set up National Council on
• Public education programme on danger of gambling to begin in July.
• National wellness centre to be up to help compulsive gamblers.

Congratulation to:
in developing
Marina Bay Casino and Resort

Congratulation to:
Genting International
in developing
Sentosa Casino and Resort

Project Location - SINGAPORE

Client - Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Inception Date - 2006-04-06

Completion Date - 2009-01-01

Total Area - 6 million square feet

Project Cost - US $3.6 billion

Status Awarded - 2006-5-26

Design Team - Moshe Safdie and Associates – Design Architects Aedas – Architect Peter Walker and Associates – Landscape Architect RG Vanderweil – Mechanical and Electrical Engineers Arup – Structural Engineers EC Harris – Quantity Surveyors

Brief - Marina Bay Sands is a new type of urban place that integrates the Waterfront Promenade with a grand, multi-leveled retail arcade combining civic space, shopping, indoor and outdoor spaces endowed with city skyline views, daylight and plant life, providing an abundance and variety of activities. It is a place that is vibrant and dynamic, a place that transforms from hour to hour, from day to night, and is evocative of the great urban places. It is here that the imaginings of a global city become a reality. Marina Bay Sands, to be open in 2009, will feature three 50-story hotel towers containing 1,000 rooms each, crowned by a two acre Sky Garden bridging across the towers, offering 360-degree views of the city and the sea, outdoor amenities for the hotel such as jogging paths, swimming pools, spas, and gardens; an iconic Arts and Sciences Museum on the promontory; one-million square feet of integrated waterside promenade and shopping arcade; a state-of-the art one-million square foot convention center; two 2,000-seat theaters; a casino; and a 4,000 car garage.

Singapore might have the world's first F1 night race that is if the government agrees to it.

Yesterday, was definitely awful. Singaporeans definitely need to learn the meaning of being courteous. What's the point of being an island with 4 million smiles when people here dont even know how to give way when boarding and alighting public transports. DAMN. It was crowded, hot, sticky, humid and smelly. I was being squeezed by a group of aunties and their annoying, noisy children. I swear to you half of the crowd in that particular MRT cabin molested me. Okae, maybe not molest because it's a harsh word. But basically they squeezed me there. One of the passengers there has bad breathe. LOL. I scolded a lady though. Stupid bitch. She was carrying a few backs of groceries and she kept saying to me "Excuse me." God damn it. The train hasnt even stopped yet. So, I turned back and looked at her and said, "Can't you just wait ! I'm going down the same stop as you." She was stunned though. When the train doors opened at Toa Payoh, that was another problem. I was pushed out of the train. I almost fell. Oh my goodness.

(Fly away.)

I find some Singaporean man desperate, unromantic and weird individuals. No offence, though. (:

(Fly away.)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hello, everyone.

I'm sorry for the disappearing act once again.

I was real tired this past few days. I just started work and no doubt about it, it's not a simple job. Damn. I have to tutor a 7 year old girl who is not attentive and she rather talk about Spongebob SquarePants than do her Maths sum. No way am I giving up. I'm going to make her pay attention. I'm going to make her smart. I have to be positive.

OMG. Rico left me a text message. Damn this fucker. I totally didn't bother replying.

Rilz made an unexpected confession.

The alarm went on at exactly 12 Midnight. Haidir's name flashed on the scree. It seems that I forgot to delete something in my phone memory.

I couldn't sleep.

((: Mike called. All the way from New York. God. I picked up. I heard him say "Yo," and "Hello." It went on for about 26 seconds. Before he hung up. I was hoping he'd call back. I like him. I think he's cute. Hehe.

Fate is a funny thing. Fate happens when you least expect it. (:

You are Everything To Somebody. Right now at this very minute;


Someone is very proud of you.

Someone is thinking of you.

Someone cares about you.

Someone misses you.

Someone wants to talk to you.

Someone wants to be with you.

Someone hopes you aren't in trouble.

Someone is thankful for the support you have provided.

Someone wants to hold your hand.

Someone hopes everything turns out all right.

Someone wants you to be happy.

Someone wants you to find them.

Someone is celebrating your successes.

Someone wants to give you a gift.

Someone think you ARE a gift.

Someone hopes you are not too cold, or too hot.

Someone wants to hug you.

Someone loves you.

Someone wants to lavish you with small gifts.

Someone admires your strength.

Someone is thinking of you and smiling.

Someone wants to be your shoulder to cry on.

Someone wants to go out with you and have a lot of fun.

Someone thinks the world of you.

Someone wants to protect you.

Someone would do anything for you.

Someone wants to be forgiven.

Someone is grateful for your forgiveness.

Someone wants to laugh with you about old times.

Someone remembers you and wishes you were there.

Someone needs to know that your love is unconditional.

Somebody values your advice.

Someone wants to tell you how much they care.

Someone wants to stay up watching old movies with you.

Someone wants to share their dreams with you.

Someone wants to hold you in their arms.

Someone wants YOU to hold them in your arms.

Someone treasures your spirit.

Someone wishes they could STOP time because of you.

Someone can't wait to see you.

Someone wishes that things didn't have to change.

Someone loves you for who you are.

Someone loves the way you make them feel.

Someone wants to be with you.

Someone hears a song that reminds them of you.

Someone wants you to know they are there for you.

Someone is glad that you're their friend.

Someone wants to be your friend.

Someone stayed up all night thinking about you.

Someone is alive because of you.

Someone is wishing that you would notice them.

Someone wants to get to know you better.

Someone believes that you are their soul mate.

Someone wants to be near you.

Someone misses your guidance and advice.

Someone values your guidance and advice.

Someone has faith in you.

Someone trusts you.

Someone needs you to send them this letter.

Someone needs your support.

Someone needs you to have faith in them.

Someone needs you to let them be your friend.

Someone will cry when they read this.

P.s Im glad that I got a chance to talk to you. (:

(Fly away.)

Saturday, March 10, 2007


45 things a girl wants from her boyfriend.

1-Touch their waist.
2-Talk to them.
3-Share secrets.
4-Give her your jacket.
5-Kiss them slowly.

Are you remembering this ?

6-Hug her.
7-Hold her.
8-Laugh with her.
9-Invite her somewhere.
10-Let her be with you when you're with your friends.

Keep reading ...

11-Smile with her.
12-Take pictures with her.
13-Pull her onto your lap.
14-When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15-When her friends say "I love her more than you," deny it. Fight back and hug her tight so she can't get to her friends. It makes her feel loved.

Are you thinking about someone ?

16-Always hug her and say "I love you," when you see her.
17-Kiss her unexpectedly.
19-Tell her she's beautiful not sexy !
20-Tell her the way you feel about her !

20 >>> You need to show her you mean it too.

21-Kiss her on the lips.
22-DONT ask her to buy you stuff. you buy HER stuff.
24-Make her feel loved.
25-Buy her stuff. Small things can still help.

We might deny it but we actually like and kind of want you to get us things.

28-Take her anywhere she wants.
29-Text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school/work, and how much you miss her.
30-Be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can always count on you.

Are you still reading this ? You better be. It's important.

31-Hold her close when she's cold and she can hold you too.
32-When you are alone hold her close and kiss her.
33-Kiss her on the tip of her nose; (It will give her the hint that you want to kiss them).
34-While in the movie, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly.
35-Don't ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If she's upset, comfort her.

Remember this next time you are with her.

36-When people diss her, stand up for her.
37-Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her.
38-Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, Link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39-When walking next to each other grab her hand.
40-When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible
41-Call her at night to wish her "Sweet dreams."
42-Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43-Take her for long walks at night.
44-Dedicate a song to her.
45-Always Remind her how much you love her.

You'll never know when she needs just a little more love.

(Fly away.)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


The steady stream of good news about green tea is getting so hard to ignore that even java junkies are beginning to sip mugs of the deceptively delicate brew. You'd think the daily dose of disease-fighting, inflammation-squelching antioxidants - long linked with heart protection - would be enough incentive, but wait, there's more! Lots more.

Several polyphenols - the potent antioxidants green tea's famous for - seem to help keep cancer cells from gaining a foothold in the body, by discouraging their growth and then squelching the creation of new blood vessels that tumors need to thrive. Study after study has found that people who regularly drink green tea reduce their risk of breast, stomach, esophagus, colon, and/or prostate cancer.

Got a cut, scrape, or bite, and a little leftover green tea? Soak a cotton pad in it. The tea is a natural antiseptic that relieves itching and swelling. Try it on inflamed breakouts and blemishes, sunburns, even puffy eyelids. And that's not all. In the lab, green tea helps block sun-triggered skin cancer, whether you drink it or apply it directly to the skin - which is why you're seeing green tea in more and more sunscreens and moisturizers.

Having healthy blood pressure - meaning below 120/80 - is one thing. Keeping it that way is quite another. But people who sip just half a cup a day are almost 50 percent less likely to wind up with hypertension than non-drinkers. Credit goes to the polyphenols again (especially one known as ECGC). They help keep blood vessels from contracting and raising blood pressure.

Green tea may also keep the brain from turning fuzzy. Getting-up-there adults who drink at least two cups a day are half as likely to develop cognitive problems as those who drink less. Why? It appears that the tea's big dose of antioxidants fights the free-radical damage to brain nerves seen in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

The younger and healthier your arteries are, the younger and healthier you are. So fight plaque build-up in your blood vessels, which ups the risk of heart disease and stroke, adds years to your biological age (or RealAge), and saps your energy too. How much green tea does this vital job take? About 10 ounces a day, which also deters your body from absorbing artery-clogging fat and cholesterol.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Turns out that green tea speeds up your body's calorie-burning process. In the every-little-bit-counts department, this is good news!


READ THIS.This crap happened on Sunday.
5.34AM >> Phone rings.
5.39AM >> Phone rings, again.

This two times the phone rang, I never picked up cause I was sleeping. When I sleep, I'm like a dead person.

13.30PM >> "Ding. Dong." 1 Text Message Received.
Sender : "Who are you ?"

14.17PM >> I replied back. "You message and call me and you ask me who I am."

14.26PM >> Sender : "So, who are you ?"

14.33PM >> "This guy is an idiot," I thought.
I replied, "I'm Jess and you are ?"

14.39PM >> Sender : "So, are you a guy or a girl ?"

Me : "I just said that my name is Jess."

14.44PM >> Sender : "So, you guy lahh ?"

14.47PM >> This guy must be a pervert. Lol.
Me: "I just said my name is Jess. So, I'm a girl. Okae ?"

14.50PM >> Sender : "Okae. I'm Rico."

14.52PM >> This guy is a real asshole. LOL. LOL.
Me : "So, how old are you ?"

14.54PM >> Sender/Rico : "I'm turning 20."

14.57PM >> Me : "Okae."

15.02PM >> Sender : "Do you have mms ?"

I never bothered replying. HAHA.

15.06PM >> Sender/Rico : "Why you silent ?"

15.09PM >> Sender/Rico : "Why you silent ?"

I ignored this bugger cause I was busy preparing to meet the Girlfriend and Cowboy.

19.48PM >> Sender/Rico : "What are you doing ?"

19.59PM >> Me : "I'm outside."

20.03PM >> Sender/Rico : "Got picture to send me ?"

20.05PM >> Me : "Okae. After you, please."

20.09PM >> Sender/Rico : "You send first, can ?"

20.11PM >> Ungentlemanly at all. -__-
Me : "Okae. But I'm fat, short and ugly." Sends a multimedia message.

20.13 PM >> Sender/Rico : "I think you are pretty." WHATEVER DUDE.

20.19PM >> "Ding. Dong." 1 Multimedia Message Received.
Stares at the picture for a while and immediately deletes it.

20.22PM >> Sender/Rico : "You might not believe it when i say this. But I think I'm falling for you." WHAT THE FUCK ?!!

20.29PM >> Sender/Rico : "Why you silent ?"

20.35PM >> Sender/Rico : "Why you silent ?"

20.40PM >> Me : "Don't be ridiculous. It's impossible that you have fallen for me. I don't even know you. We have never even talk nor meet. I don't even know you. So it's impossible that you would fall for me. Go and find some other better girl."

20.48PM >> Sender/Rico : "But it's true. I think I want you to be my girlfriend." OMG. This guy is crazy.

20.59PM >> Me : "No, it's impossible. I don't even know you at all."

21.32PM >> Sender/Rico : "But it's true."

21.53PM >> Sender/Rico : "Can you call me ?"

22.24PM >> Me : "Can't call. If you want to talk, you call me."

22.30PM >> Phone rings and I pick up.

Rico : Can I speak to Jess, please.
Me : Yes. Jess here. Hello.
Rico : What are you doing ?
Me : I just got home, so I'm watching TV. You ?
Rico : Not doing anything.
Me : Ohh. Okae.
Rico : Why dont you believe me when I say I fall for you ?
Me : Cause I don't and I don't know you.
Rico : But we can get to know each other better.
Me : (Sighs ...) Get to know each other better, yes. Be your girlfriend, no.
Rico : But, I really like you. We can work things out.
Me : No, I don't even know you. I've barely talked to you like for 15 minutes. Besides, I'm not even ready to have another relationship.
Rico : Another relationship ? When you broke up ?
Me : Uhh. I'm not sure. Maybe 1 or 2 months ago.
Rico : Ohh. Okae. Why are you not ready for another relationship ? You afraid to get hurt again, huh ?
Me : That's one thing. The second thing is that, I'm afraid I can't commit myself and the third thing, I don't even know you.
Rico : But we can get to know each other better.
Me : I hate repeating myself.

Rico starts asking me questions which will be offensive to any other girl.

Me : I'm sorry, but I can't answer your questions. These are my secrets. I don't think anyone is suppose to know.
Rico : But there is only me and you.
Me : Do you understand the meaning of secret ? Why don't you ask your mum all those questions.
Rico : Yes, but you must be open-minded. I'm trying to know more about you.
Me : Okae, getting to know more about a girl doesn't mean you have to ask her things that may offend her. That is a totally wrong approach.
Rico : I think you are not open minded ?
Me : Wow. Now you are telling me I'm not open minded. Frankly, I can be open minded. I can talk to you about everything. But if you are looking for someone whom you can phone sex with. Wrong number, dude. Go find some other horny bitch.
Rico : You are immatured.
Me : Ohh. I'm immatured. Wow. Thanks alot.
Rico : So, will you be my girlfriend ?
Me : Hell, no. I have no feelings for you. I don't even know you.
Rico : So, you don't have feelings for me ?
Me : No, I don't even know you. Damn ! I hate repeating myself.
Rico : You just broke my heart. You are mean.
Me : Yeah, I'm mean.

Rico hangs up the phone. THANK GOD.

23.05PM >> 1 Text Message Received.
Sender/Rico : "Delete my picture and my number. PLEASE."
23.19PM >> Me : "Frankly speaking, I deleted your picture 3 minutes after I received it and I never bothered saving your number. Bye."
Sender/Rico : "Thank you."

Stupid desperate guy. Girls, beware.

Finally, I have a job as a tuition teacher. But the girl's mum cancelled on me. So, I'm just going for my lessons. Chiaoz.

(Fly away.)

Monday, March 5, 2007


1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
On the comforts of my bed, hugging my pillow. Sleeping.

2. Who are you in love with?
Does liking someone counts ?

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?

4. Is there anything pink within 10
feet of you?
A picture of a creative MP3 player.

5. When is the last time you went to
the mall?
4 days ago.

6. When was the last time you saw the
person u love?
1 year go. LOL.

8. When was the last time you drove out
of town?
Not legal yet to drive.

9. Last movie you watched in the
Gosh, this is a long time ago. I think Scary Movie 4.

10. Are you hot?
The weather is, I'm not.

11. What was the last thing you had to
A glass of water.

12. What are you wearing right now?
T-shirt, ugly pair of shorts and undergarments.

13. Do you wash your car or let the
car wash you?

14. Last food that you ate?
Home made Chicken Rice.

15. Where were you last week at this
At home. Chatting with Mike.

16. Have you bought any clothing items
in the last week?

17. When is the last time you ran?
Yesterday. (:

18. What's the last sporting event you
Soccer match. Manchester United Vs Some-Team-Name-I-Can't-Remember-What.

19. What is your favorite animal?
Uhh ... Cats ?

20. Your dream vacation?
A candle light dinner on The Eiffel Tower at Paris, France.

21. Last person's house you were in?

22. Have you been in love?

23. Do you miss anyone right now?
YES. ((:

24. Last time you drove a car?
I drove a toy car when I was a kid. LOL.

25.What are your plans for tonight?
Go out with the Girlfriend and Cowboy.

26. Who is the last person you sent a
friendster message to?
Some girl who viewed my profile.

27. What is the next trip you are
going to?
New York City, here I come.

28. Ever go camping?

29. Were you a honor roll student in
Uhh ... No.

30. What do you want to know about the
Will I suceed to become a millionaire ?

31. Are you wearing any perfume or

32. Are you due sometime this year for
a doctor's visit?
Nope. My mum is.

33. Where are/is your best friend(s)?
At home. Preparing to go out.

37. Whats your favorite song?
Currently none.

38.What are you listening to right now?
My brother's irritating blabbers.

39. Do you collect anything?

43. What does your last text message
"Why are you silent ?"

44. Do you like hot sauce?

45. Last time you took a shower?

47. What is your heritage?
What heritage ? LOL.

48. Are you someone's best friend?

49. Are you rich?
One day I'll be.

50. Are you smart?
Yes. They don't call me Google/Yahoo for nothing. HAHA.

(Fly away.)

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Good morning, world. LOL.

It's a dreadful and cold Saturday morning.

It's a fact that I'm a sufferer of insomnia. Or maybe it's the coffee I drank yesterday. (:

TV3 aired a new telenovela at 3.30AM tittled "Ruby". Yay me. LOL.

Uhh ... Diarhhoea. Fuck.

Today, I just have so many things to blog about.

♥ I'm thinking of you. (((:

Camwhored, again. Decided to upload some pictures from Mama's phone. ((:

Cousins. Kids do the darnest things.

Irfan Fadhli is good looking. He's too young to be my boyfriend though. LOL. He's only 14 and he's Irwin Fazli's brother.

This is Irwin Fazli.

SYNNTA; (:Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Things you can do with a piece of banana. LOL.

Real Cockroach Rock Band. Mike made me watch this. LOL. I hate cockroaches but this is funny.

Ehh ! No pork. You all dont understand uhh. Watch this. Hilarious.



I know I told myself that I'm taking a break from love. No doubt about it, I like him. In fact, I like him alot. I kept asking myself, is this a mere crush or is it going to lead us somewhere ? When he told me about a girl who bugged him, I could feel a thin film of jealousy arousing around me. I came to my senses and realised I was thinking way too much. I'm still having a crush on him though. ((: Pardon me. He told me he liked me too. Frankly, I'm glad to hear his confession but he didn't know that I felt that way. He called me blind. LOL. Actually, I'm not blind. I realised it all along. It's just that I didn't know how to react to him. I liked him, alot. I just don't know how to tell him how I felt yet he's too far away. ):

The truth is I like you, alot.


I received a message from Al asking me to call him regarding an urgent matter. I did and I had expected it to happen. It seems that Nona ran away from home, again. You see, Nona is a mummy's girl. She's decent and pleasant looking. She scores well in school and every parent dreams of having a child like her. But I believe that her current boyfriend influenced her alot which caused her to change. I didn't know how he did it. Maybe through witchcraft or black magic. Or maybe through his crappy sweet talk. Her boyfriend is a good-for-nothing idiot.

Al told me the whole story of how Nona actually framed him, hurt her mum's feeling and how she lied to every one. Including the two people who tried to help her. I'll always remember how she made Shida and me walk from one point of Changi Beach to the other. I'm not sure how long the whole walk took us but I was out looking for her for almost 14 hours. I didn't mind at all. I'd always remember the dark, creepy and secluded forest. I'd always remember how Shida and I were frightened. I'd always remember how we were almost chased by wild dogs in one of the inner parts of the beach. Call me foolish for so indirectly torturing myself.

I just wanted to help her.

I remembered clearly the conversation I had with her last year during the Hari Raya Puasa week at Changi Village when she ran away from home. I told her directly that I've done alot of bad things. I made my mum feel disappointed countless of times. Never did I run away from home nor my problems. I dare not think of the consequences. She told me she wanted freedom for a while. I questioned her regarding the freedom she wanted. I questioned about what she wanted in her life. I questioned about how she made her mum cried. I questioned about how she made Shida and I worry so much for her.

Only her broken smile lingered through the air.

She told me how much that good-for-nothing idiot loved her. She told me how much that good-for-nothing idiot cared for her. She told me how much that good-for-nothing idiot stood by her during her time of need.

Dear, if he loved you. He wouldn't hurt nor change you.

All she needs is a wake up call, now. I don't bear to tell her mum to send her to the girl's home. She's too good for such a place. Maybe it's the best for her. That good-for-nothing idiot deserves to be whacked.

I just don't have the heart to let go even if I wanted to. This time round, I've had enough. May god bless her soul and lead her back on track. Amin.

I have made too many mistakes in my life;

(Fly away.)

Saturday, March 3, 2007

My hp bill exploded. -__-

Uhhmm. Not much to update today. But I just feel like updating. LOL. As usual, I'll be chatting with Mike. That's like my daily routine. (: Frankly, it's really addictive talking to him. Once you get to know him better. Hehe.

Yesterday, I fell asleep while watching something on Animal Planet. I think I only woke up around 11PM. American Idol was on but I never could understand Reality TV.

I almost grossed myself out when I watched a documentary aired by National Geographic Channel on cockroaches. It's called "Cockroach Confidential". Do you know, in China a doctor use cockroaches to treat his patients. He actually breeds the cockroaches. Yucks. He makes a tablets from all these cockroaches. To make them, he actually boils them first before grounding them into a brown powdery substance. I swear to you after I watch this show, I was scratching from head to toe like a distressed monkey. Damn.

I'm still waiting for Channel 5 to air "Desperate Housewives" this Monday. But I have a strong feeling I'm going to miss the show. Eva Longoria is hot though. Lol.

I can't seem to put my article on the millionaire research that Lawrence asked me to do. Crap.

I'll update later. Chiaoz.

(Fly away.)

Friday, March 2, 2007

Hello. Sorry, I have not been updating. Anyway, due to yesterday's inspiration from Nip/Tuck commercial. I have decided to re-vamp my blog. So, that explains the new layout and song. ((: Still the same old pretty me though. *Chuckles. LOL.

I swear to you, I god damn hate rainy days. It's a good day to sleep in and not do anything but it's just freaking too cold. I think I'm going to be sick. I see tissue papers lying on the floor. ((:

Now, for the good news. I finally have a job. Yes, let me repeat. I finally have a job. Hehe. Don't be shocked but I'll be private tutor. I'll be tutoring young kids. I hope I don't make them dumber. Hehe. I was suppose to start work today but I guess I'll start on Monday. Finally, I wont be broke again. ((: It's all thanks to Khairiah for recommending me. The pay is not bad actually. I have to teach two kids. So for each session, I just have to teach them for two hours and its like twice a week. It's not a bad deal after all.

Yesterday, Lawrence asked me about the research I did about the millionaire thingy. I read to him about the informations I have gathered and he seemed impressed. YAY me ! LOL.

Tomorrow will be a shopping spree. Maybe I'll get that pair of black jeans at Bugis Street. But I'll have to alter then taper it or else, it'll look awful when I wear them.

Not in the mood to go out because it's to wet and cold. -__- Damn.

Mike - if you are reading this, when I'm typing this, you were drunk. LOL. ((:

Well, I guess thats all for the updates today. Till then, sweeties. Chiaoz.

P.s My snowman melted. ): But I have a picture of it.

(Fly away.)

Daydreaming in Paris,
Thursday, March 1, 2007

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Khairiah only sent me one picture of the trip we made to URA Centre. -__- LOL.

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He made me a snowman holding my name on the highway. ((:

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Mike wrote my name on the snow. Don't be jealous and they are real. LOL.

Disappearing act, again. LOL.

I know one day we'll meet no matter how far apart we are; (:

Newton Food Centre, anyone ?

Damn, having lessons today. The stomach cramps are unbearable. Keep having the false toilet alarm.

Chatting with Mike as usual. ((: Mama says I'm going to be addicted to the PC but, I'm so not caring.

I have lessons today. I'll update later. LOL.

P.s Should I cut my hair ?


(Fly away.)